Erika checked her watch.
"I love coming to this place, but the lunchtime wait is entirely too long."
Serena sipped her water and nodded. "You know, we never used to say that when we first found this spot. Mister P's was our thang! Now we're old, with 'bills and babies,' as that North Richmond preacher used to say when his services aired on TV and radio."
"You're not talking about Jason Lyons, are you?"
Serena snorted. "Please. Jason is all over the local and national news since that magazine article hit the newsstands. But no. I'm talking about the pastor of that North Richmond church off Brookland Park Boulevard, the one my mother used to listen to faithfully on the radio when I was growing up."
Erika turned the conversation back to Jason. "Speaking of Micah's former colleague, what do you guys think about how he's blown up, about how Standing Rock has become a national phenomenon?"
Serena shrugged. "It's hard on Micah, just the way it all went down. He truly believes that God called him to start an inner-city ministry, not to be focused on television and mega-church stardom. But to see Jason and the folks at Standing Rock doing so well makes him doubt himself. He says he's glad to see God's message getting out there; he just prays that the messengers are sincere. Micah's just trying to be faithful where he's planted."
Erika took in Serena's weary smile. "What about you?"
"Me?" Serena said and sighed. "I'm hanging in there. The twins are blessings, but they're driving me up the wall. Tawana and Misha are moving in for the summer in a week, and Micah's sister and her kids will be visiting. And did I mention that I'm pregnant?"
The waitress arrived, as if on cue, with their fried catfish sandwiches, cole slaw, and fries. She smiled at Serena. "Congratulations," she said and left the table. Since they weren't regulars anymore, she didn't know Serena or Erika like some of the other staff had.
Erika's eyes widened. "Did you just drop a bomb on me like it was nothing?"
Serena continued as if in a daze. "I can't believe I've told you and I haven't told Micah. I think I'm afraid it's another set of twins."
Erika reached for Serena's hand, to nudge her back to the present. "Serena, what is going on?"
Serena looked at her and let the tears spill. "I'm just overwhelmed, E. Miss 'Got It All Together' needs some help right now."
Erika squeezed her hand. She wanted to know more, like a due date and why Serena was so anxious, but now wasn't the time to pry. She had been in a similar place once, one that no words could describe or soothe.
"Consider it done." If she needed to take the twins off Serena's hands, help with housework, or take her out for dinner once a month, she'd do it. "But first you've got to talk to your husband, okay?"
Serena wiped her eyes and nodded. "I will. Maybe I'll do it as soon as I get home. He's watching the boys now." She tried to smile. "You know I love you, right?"
Erika waved her hand dismissively, but her heart warmed. "Go on, with all the mushy talk. Let's eat."
Halfway through their meal and small talk about Erika's looming interior design exam, Serena turned the tables. "Didn't you tell me that Derrick was going to help you prepare for this exam? Why are you taking a class at Commonwealth University instead?"
Erika glanced at her watch again. "Class begins in thirty minutes. I've got to find parking and all that. I don't know if I have time to go into it right now."
Serena sat back in her seat and folded her arms. "I guess you'll be late today."
Erika sighed. "You're getting the Cliffs-Notes version. Basically, Derrick has written me off. He told me until I figure out what I want to do regarding my marriage, he's out of the picture."
Serena raised her palms. "You can't blame him, Erika. Derrick is a good man. He hung in there a long time, waiting for you to decide what you want, with no real commitment to date or anything. What brought this on?"
"That day at your house, at the picnic," Erika said and took a sip of her tea. "That was his final straw."
"But how can you let him go when it looks like your marriage is over anyway? Didn't you say Elliott is engaged?"
Erika nodded. "That's what his last few letters have said."
"So now you're opening them?"
Erika felt the sting of interrogation. "I'm just confused, Serena. If he's changed, maybe we need to try to work things out."
Serena leaned toward her friend. "Erika, I think you and I both need an intervention."
Erika laughed at Serena's mock seriousness.
"I'm only partially joking," Serena said. "You are fantasizing about returning to a man who beat you for years and who has finally told you that he's marrying someone else. You're losing a man who loves you, flaws and all. Look at the pattern here, sis."
Erika dismissed Serena's diagnosis with a toss of her head. "I think Elliott is just bluffing, Serena, to see what I'm going to do. I think he's tired of waiting and he's ready for me to make up my mind. I'm torn."
An ambulance whizzed past and Serena looked out of the restaurant window on to Second Street. She smirked and folded her arms.
"Think again, Erika, and take a look."
Erika, whose back was to the window, turned to see what had caught Serena's eye.
Elliott was walking toward Mister P's at a leisurely pace. He held hands with a tall, voluptuous version of actress Vanessa Williams, who smiled at him with pouty lips and star-struck eyes. He said something that was obviously funny, because she threw back her head and laughed. He leaned toward her and kissed her neck.
Erika's mouth fell open. She watched the scene with mixed emotions. Did this mean she was free? Did she want to be?