"You fled from the house before I could introduce you," Derrick said, and stood at his cousin's side.
"Delaney recently moved here from Michigan to enroll in grad school at Howard University. She stopped by to visit me for a few days last month and scout out an apartment for the fall semester."
Erika felt like a bug. She wanted to squash herself. How had Serena convinced them to come?
Delaney smiled gingerly. "I came prancing into the foyer that morning like I was the lady of the house, on purpose," she said. "I've seen all these women throwing themselves at my first cousin. He's good looking, successful, and single. He needs me around to help him weed through the women who just want a sugar daddy."
Derrick rolled his eyes, but let her continue.
"That morning when you showed up, in your sundress and sandals looking like a miniature Barbie, I wanted to size you up before he fell for whatever lines you might use to reel him in."
Erika wasn't sure if she liked Delaney, but she appreciated that this cousin was so protective of Derrick.
"Technically, Delaney," she said, "that is why I was there."
"If I had known who you were, I would have handed you the fishing rod," she said softly. "The only time I've seen Derrick's eyes light up is when he talks about a woman, who just happens to be an employee, named Erika. When Gabrielle told him two weeks ago that you were planning to leave the design firm and that he might not have an excuse to see you again, he was sick.
"I wanted to call you, but Derrick said you weren't responding to his messages," Delaney said, "and hearing from me might make things worse."
Derrick kept his eyes on Erika but touched Delaney's shoulder.
"Thanks, cuz; you've said enough," he said. "Maybe too much."
Delaney looked from him to Erika and headed for the patio.
"Nice to meet you, Erika," she said before stepping outside. "I hope I'll see you again."
When she was gone, Derrick turned to Erika. "She's a little over the top, but she can't help it. She's majoring in theater and dance."
Erika wanted to laugh, but the other emotions rumbling inside prevented her from expressing herself.
She was angry, confused, hopeful.
"I know," Derrick said. He had read it all in her eyes. He pulled her trembling body toward him and hugged her.
"I'm sorry," she whispered as she rested her head against his chest. "I'm sorry that it took me so long to say this, but I love you."
Derrick closed his eyes and rested his chin on the top of her head. "So, you aren't going to quit your job?"
Erika smiled.
"Make me a counteroffer."