ACKNOWLEDGMENTS BEGIN AND END WITH EXPRESSING BOUNDLESS love and gratitude for my Zen teacher Shunryu Suzuki Roshi, who met me face to face, and inspired a whole generation of Zen companions who grew up with me. We meditated together breathing, worked together laboring—it’s as though our bodies are intermingled. I wouldn’t be here without you. “Thank you,” does not begin to say how much I owe you my life.

Acknowledging my father Frank who in his way set me on the path: “Be warned and understand truly there are two fishes swimming in the sea, the vastness of which no man can describe, but the sages say the two are one, they are one yet they are two.”

Acknowledging my mother Frances who died shortly after my third birthday: how tender and how true you’ve always loved me.

Acknowledging my mother Anne who came into my life at age seven: a librarian, lover of drama and writing, you knew I could do it.

Acknowledging my publisher Shambhala: including Sam Bercholz who originally saw the promise of The Tassajara Bread Book (and turned me into an author). Hazel Bercholz who continues to reinvision the original vision of Shambhala. Peter Turner who voiced to me his conception of this three books in one. And most of all my thankfulness for Jennifer Brown who has been simply an excellent editor: patient, deft, and accurate in turning these bits and pieces of three books into a coherent whole. I know it’s working when I almost always say about her edits, “Yes, of course, let’s do that.”

Acknowledging Doris Doerrie, who made a movie How to Cook Your Life featuring my teaching. To be the object of Doris’ interest and attention was to be exceptionally well valued, exceptionally well received. Such a confirmation of my life’s work.

Acknowledging with warm-hearted gratitude John David Simpkins for his illustrations and Wendy Bernal for taking most of the photos that became the instructional illustrations.

My current writing venue has been an incredible gift and blessing provided by Marj Stone, my dear landlady, mother of five daughters—I am honored to feel like a son—and to have a haven to write.

The sky—clear blue, foggy gray, puffy white clouds; the sun—yellow, orange, glowing pink; the ridges and beaches; waters of the bay and the ocean: I wouldn’t be here writing without you. My gratitude.

And acknowledging my innumerable readers for their appreciation and devotion—thank you. To your joy and well-being.