DAVID LAGERCRANTZ, BEST KNOWN FOR BEING AN AUTHOR AND journalist, was born in Sweden on September 4, 1962. As the son of a literary scholar, David Lagercrantz was bound to be a writer. After graduating from the Gothenburg School of Journalism, Lagercrantz worked as a journalist for Volvo’s in-house magazine and a tabloid newspaper called Expressen. It wasn’t until 2011 when he released I am Zlatan Ibrahimovic that he became famous as an author. His biography of Zlatan Ibrahimovic, a French soccer player, was written from over one hundred hours of interviews. It became Sweden’s fastest selling book of all time with over 500,000 copies sold.
David Lagercrantz released his first book, Goran Kropp 8000 Plus, in 1997. The book is a biography of Swedish mountaineer Goran Kropp. He released his second book in 1998, called Anglarna iAmsele, whichfollows the Amesele murders in Sweden that Lagercrantz covered in his years as a crime reporter. In 2000, he released another biography called Ett svensktgeni that covered the life of Swedish inventor, Hakan Lans. In 2001, he released his first novel entitled Stjarnfall. Over the following four years, he wrote three more novels including Dar grasetaldrigvaxermer, Underbarnetsgata, and Himmel over Everest. In 2009, David Lagercrantz released Fall of Man in Wilmslow, which talked about Alan Turing, an English mathematician.
David Lagercrantz grew up just outside of Stockholm, Sweden. As a child, he greatly enjoyed all sports. He played table tennis in his younger years, and he says one of his greatest achievements was beating Jan-Olof Waldner, who eventually became a world champion in the sport.
David Lagercrantz is a member of the Swedish PEN organization. Swedish PEN helps writers who have been persecuted around the world. Lagercrantz also supports The Reading Movement, which gives children access to books that will help them with their vocabulary.