Discussion Questions

  1. Libby feels out of place in her own family and society. Have you ever felt this way, or do you know someone who does? What have you done to find true community? How have you helped others find their place?
  2. Oliver’s life was greatly shaped by his brother’s illness. How have you seen physical afflictions shape a family? Make it stronger? Break it apart? How can we ensure that these struggles strengthen us and not break us?
  3. Mabena came home again solely because of her fears for her best friend and cousin. Has there ever been a place, situation, or person you’ve avoided because of a past hurt? What would convince you to face them again?
  4. Libby struggles to reconcile science and faith. Do you think there’s a battle between the two? Must there be, or is it created by the opponents of each? Does knowing which questions belong to which side help reconcile it in our minds?
  5. Who is your favorite character? Your least favorite? Why?
  6. What did you think of Oliver’s rivalry with Casek Wearne? How do you think they’ll get along now? Would you have been quicker or slower to move toward a truce?
  7. Do you think Mamm-wynn could really see “beyond the veil”? What did you think of her and her eccentricities?
  8. The power of names and naming is discussed several times. Do you think names are important? What does yours mean? Your kids’? If you could know the name God calls you, what do you think it would be?
  9. Mamm-wynn says to both Oliver and Libby, “The islands know your name.” Is there a place that knows you, that you love above all others, that speaks to your soul? Where is it? Do you live there or vacation there? If you haven’t discovered it, do you think such a place exists?
  10. What do you think is coming next for the characters during their treasure-hunting summer on the islands? Which characters are you most excited to learn more about?