image ABOUT THE AUTHOR image

In 1979, as a resident of Ju Lai Ssu Monastery at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas in Talmage, California, Stuart Olson began learning the Chinese language and studying Buddhist philosophy, taking formal refuge in Buddhism from Ch’an Master Hsuan Hua.

In 1982 the famous master T. T. Liang invited Stuart to live and study with him at his home in Saint Cloud, Minnesota. Stuart was the only student ever granted this honor. While staying in Master Liang’s home for six years, Stuart studied both t’ai chi ch’uan and Chinese language under the master’s tutelage. Stuart has traveled extensively throughout the United States, with Master Liang to assist him in teaching. Stuart has also taught in Canada, Hong Kong, and Indonesia and traveled throughout Asia.

Stuart lives in California, where he teaches Taoist meditation, I T’ai Chi (Sixteen- and Sixty-four-Posture Yang-Style t’ai chi forms based entirely on the images of the Book of Changes), related Yang-Style forms and weapons, and Eight Brocades Seated Qigong. He also translates and compiles Asian philosophy–related books. Stuart, along with Patrick Gross and Shijing Shidao of the British Taoist Association, is presently involved in forming the American Taoist Association.

If you wish to contact Stuart, you may do so by writing the publisher, visiting, or e-mailing