According to Muslim tradition, God revealed his teachings to the prophet Mohammad (ca. 570–632) through the archangel Gabriel. Recited in Arabic, these revelations circulated orally at first, but shortly after Mohammad’s death, his followers compiled and preserved them in writing. The Qur’an (“the recitations”) became the fundamental religious text of Islam. Several chapters of the Qur’an make reference to the jinn, but often in such a way that presumed knowledge of them among listeners and readers. Influenced by the legend of King Solomon (see this page), the Qur’an confirmed the ancient king’s dominion over these supernatural creatures, who served him as builders. While the jinn were distinctive from human beings in their nature and abilities, both races of creatures received God’s revelation through Mohammad. Upon hearing the prophet recite the Qur’an, some jinn called upon their brethren to become Muslims, but only the righteous ones heeded Mohammad’s message.
To Solomon We subjected the wind, travelling a month’s journey morning and evening. We gave him a spring flowing with molten brass, and jinn who served him by leave of his Lord. Those of them who did not do Our bidding We shall chasten with the torment of the Fire. They made for him whatever he pleased: shrines and statues, basins as large as watering-troughs, and built-in cauldrons. We said: “Give thanks, House of David.” Yet few of My servants are truly thankful.
And when We had decreed his death, they did not know that he was dead until they saw a worm eating away his staff. And when his corpse fell down, the jinn realized that had they had knowledge of the unknown, they would not have remained in shameful bondage.
Tell how We sent to you a band of jinn who, when they came and listened to the Koran, said to each other: “Hush! Hush!” As soon as it was ended they betook themselves to their people to give them warning. “Our people,” they said, “we have just been listening to a scripture revealed since the time of Moses, confirming previous scriptures and pointing to the truth and to a straight path. Our people, answer the call of God’s summoner and believe in Him! He will forgive you your sins and deliver you from a woeful scourge. Those that pay no heed to God’s summoner shall not go unpunished on the earth. There shall be none to protect them besides Him. Surely they are in evident error.”
Do they not see that God, who created the heavens and the earth and was not wearied by their creation, has power to raise the dead to life? Yes. He has power over all things.
Say: “It is revealed to me that a band of jinn listened to God’s revelations and said: ‘We have heard a wondrous Koran giving guidance to the right path. We believed in it and shall henceforth serve none besides our Lord. He (exalted be the glory of our Lord!) has taken no consort, nor has He begotten any children. The Blaspheming One among us has uttered a wanton falsehood against God, although we had supposed no man or jinnee could tell of God what is untrue.’ ”
(Some men have sought the help of jinn, but they misled them into further error. Like you, they thought that God could never resurrect the dead.)
“ ‘We have made our way to high heaven, and found it filled with mighty wardens and fiery comets. We sat eavesdropping, but eavesdroppers find comets lying in wait for them. We cannot tell if this bodes evil to those who dwell on earth or if their Lord intends to guide them.
“ ‘Some of us are righteous, while others are not; we follow different ways. We know we cannot escape on earth from God, nor can we elude His grasp by flight. When we heard His guidance we believe in Him: he that believes in his Lord shall fear neither dishonesty nor injustice.’ ”