Annotations for 2 John
1 “Lady chosen by God” (Gk. eklekte kuria, lit. “chosen lady”) may refer to John’s personification of a local congregation. If this is true, then John’s references to the “lady” (v. 5) and “elect children of your sister” (v. 13) would designate churches that know each other. However, it is just as likely that the designation may refer to an esteemed friend (see The Lady Chosen by God).
4–6 John had apparently received news that his readers were following his admonitions. “Walking in the truth” requires a heart that believes in the truth of the message of the incarnate Christ and a lifestyle that reveals this message by showing love to others (vv. 5–6). Belief and action go hand-in-hand (1Jn 3:23). Indeed truth is something to believe and live.
9–10 “Runs ahead” (Gk. parabainō, lit. “run ahead of” or “go before”) was used by John sarcastically to criticize the teachers who claimed they had advanced knowledge of Jesus Christ and thus appeared to “run ahead” of the truth spiritually (see Introduction: Themes). John used some of his most intense language to warn his friends not to extend hospitality to such false teachers. Hospitality often included shelter and lodging as well as a formal greeting. To “welcome” (Gk. charein) suggests the extension of joy or prosperity. Welcoming the false teachers granted a special blessing to them and, in essence, would indicate approval of their wrong deeds and heretical teachings. John argued that Christian hospitality does not extend to include those teachers who twist and malign the Word of God.