
This book would not have been written except for a chance meeting with my old friend, Michael Wilson in Alice Springs. He introduced me to the Martin family when they were looking to hire a house girl. As a result, I spent an incredible month working at their cattle station during the annual muster. The way of life and the vast beauty of the desert left a lasting impression. So thank you to you all.

I am very grateful to my parents, Ian and Janet, for their unwavering support. Without it I would have given up on all of this a long time ago. My brothers, Rob and Matt, have unwittingly provided inspiration – I cannot imagine who Danny Dawson would be without them. I would also like to say thank you to my gran, Joyce, as well as my sisters-in-law, Heidi and Katy, for their support.

I am indebted to my agents, Christine Green and Claire Anderson-Wheeler, as well as Charlie Sheppard at Andersen Press. I will always be grateful for their belief in me and Everybody Jam.

I must also pay tribute to the patience of my friends Emma Ward and Hayley Jones. Not once did they fail to respond to my many requests for help and advice. I would also like to say thanks to Barbara Smith, Steve Jones, Zoe Boynton-Gonzalez, Richard Barker, Sheraz Ahmad, Nick Morrison, Nigel Whitfield and Sarah Caldecott. Whether they know it or not, they all helped to get this book published.