‘In Guiting Power’ Death in the Cotswolds
‘With Slaughter in Mind’ Slaughter in the Cotswolds and A Cotswold Ordeal
‘Making Arrangements’ A Grave in the Cotswolds
‘When Harry Richmond Sold His Cottage’ A Cotswold Killing
‘Little Boy Lost’ Trouble in the Cotswolds
‘The Stone Man’ Shadows in the Cotswolds
‘The Blockley Discovery’ A Cotswold Mystery
‘Ladies Who Lunch’ Deception in the Cotswolds
‘Humiliation’ A Cotswold Ordeal
‘In Which Thea Meets Tony Brown’ Guilt in the Cotswolds and the Lake District titles
‘The Moorcroft’ Malice in the Cotswolds and the Den Cooper titles
‘Blood on the Carpet’ Revenge in the Cotswolds