Discussion Questions

1. How does Annie’s relationship with her father influence her decisions?

2. In Granted, you have two people who never ask for forgiveness, yet Beulah forgives Betty and Annie forgives her father. Do you agree with that? Should forgiveness be granted when someone doesn’t ask for it?

3. There is tension between Beulah and Annie over Annie’s father, Eddie Taylor. How are they viewing him with different lenses?

4. Stella thinks she loves Woody then realizes she loves more the idea of the community he brings rather than the person. Is it realistic to confuse those things?

5. Gin Taylor lives her life by the moon waxing and waning. Does that seem crazy to you or do you think there’s something to the gravitational pull?

6. Betty Gibson is not an easy person to live with, yet Joe loves her and knows how to handle her better than anyone. Does this kind of commitment inspire you or not?

7. Annie runs into her old boyfriend, Brett Bradshaw, and mistakes his interest in her for a desire to rekindle their romance. Have you ever had an experience in your own life where you completely misunderstood someone else’s intentions?

8. Jake continues to struggle with farming not quite being the ideal he envisioned. How have you seen him settle into a compromise with reality from the beginning of the trilogy to now?

9. How has Beulah changed when we met her in Grounded, through Guarded and now to Granted? How about Annie?

10. As we round out the story, do you feel satisfied with the way things have resolved or is there something you wish was different?