Ackerman, Gary, 116

Adidas, 16, 136–7, 210

Allstate Insurance, 60, 212

Altria, 221

altruism, 33, 37–9, 44–5, 50, 54, 125, 127, 130, 221, 125, 131, 137–8

American Express, 60

America’s Top Chef television program), 71

amygdala, 24, 60–2, 79–81, 83–4, 101, 117, 122

Anderson, Chris, 131

Andrex, 63, 188

anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), 104, 189

Apple, 7–8, 53, 112, 134, 159–60, 175–6, 178, 230

“Get a Mac” campaign, 39, 188

iPad, 7, 75

iPhone, 56, 108, 182, 202

iPod “Silhouettes” campaign, 151–2

Ariely, Dan, 198, 237–8

Aron, Arthur, 236

Ascena, 220

associative memory, 61–2, 211

astroturfing, 203

AT&T, 39, 65, 164, 179, 222, 230

Atkinson, Bill, 175–6

Avatar (film), 73–4

Ban deodorant, 202

Bateson, Gregory, 176

Bawa, Kapil, 37–8

Beatles, 72

Bedbury, Scott, 172

Beef Industry Council:

“Beef . . .real food for real people campaign,” 222

behavior, neurological levels of, 176–9

Beitman, Bernard D., 229

Bergman, Peter, 166

Berkshire Hathaway, 157–8

Bernbach, Bill, 17, 123–4

Bezos, Jeff, 131–2

Big Three automakers, 116–17, 124

Biggie Smalls, 206

Blair Witch Project (film), 51, 75

Blank Slate, The (Pinker), 33–4

Blendtec Total Blender, 75, 202

blind-sight, 76–8

Blish, Jeffrey, 134, 214

Bloom, Paul, 165

BMW, 112, 181–2


amygdala, 24, 60–2, 79–81, 83–4, 101, 117, 122

anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), 104, 189

dopamine, 19–20, 102–5, 107, 110

emotional brain (limbic system), 60–3

hemispheres, 63, 189

hippocampus, 18, 60–2, 101

hypothalamus, 60–1

MacLean’s three-part theory of the, 58–65

physical (reptilian) brain, 58–60

rational brain (neocortex), 63–5


associations, 211–21, 227, 244

as chemically driven shortcuts, 19–22

compared to people, 15

endorsements, 166, 192, 221–2

as expectations based on memories, 17–19

extensions, 195, 221

as learned behaviors, 21

names, 220–1

as subjective experiences, 21

Brizendine, Louann, 44

Brooks, David, ix, 170

Brown, Jeff, 181

Brown, Joshua, 189

Buffet, Warren, 157–8

bullshit alarms, 124–6

Bunzeck, Nico, 101

Burger King, 44, 51, 55

Burnett, Leo, 208

Buss, David, 41

Buyology (Lindstrom), 81

Calgon, 151

California Milk Processor Board: “Got milk?” campaign, 57, 59, 68–9

Call of Duty (video game), 74, 135–6

calorie labeling, 43

Cameron, James, 74

Campbell’s Soup, 60

Capgras syndrome, 83

Carlin, George, 174

Carl’s Jr., 71

Cascade dish detergent, 200

Catholic Church, 163–8, 171–2

Certs breath mints, 167–8

Challenger space shuttle disaster, 82

Cher, 111

Chick-fil-A, 203

Cialdini, Robert, 34–5

CiCi’s Pizza, 113

Clairol: “Does she . . .or doesn’t she?” campaign, 147–9

CLIO Awards, 95, 158

coalition formation, 33, 35, 39, 51, 55

Coca-Cola, 4, 16, 62, 230

advertising budget for, 8

brand properties of, 21

taste comparison tests with Pepsi, 7–8, 13, 17–20

cognitive behavioral therapy, 189

cognitive reframing, 217–19

cognitive science, x, xii, 33, 84, 112, 134, 153, 172, 187, 189

Colgate, 16, 221

collective consciousness, 154–5, 241

collective decision making, 33, 51, 54

comfort, creating, 140–5

constructive perception, 97–9

“consumer,” use of the term, 29–30

Cooper, Anderson, 111

Cosmides, Leda, 39, 127

Costco, 170, 172

Covey, Stephen, 117

Crazy Eddie, 23

Crispin Porter + Bogusky, 55, 104

Crook, Thomas, 128–9

Damasio, Antonio, 70, 84–7, 170–2, 186, 237

Darwin, Charles, 34, 37, 57–8

Dawkins, Richard, 27, 68–9, 124, 165

DDB Worldwide, 100

De Beers: “A diamond is forever” campaign, 177

de Gelder, Beatrice, 76–7

de Meo, Luca, 159

De Vries, Peter, 174

Deaner, Robert, 46

decision making, 18–9, 33, 79–80, 84–8, 133, 156, 186–9, 198, 237. See also collective

Deming, W. Edwards, 25

Dempsey, Melanie, 213–14

Dergarabedian, Paul, 52

Descartes, 228

Deutsch LA, xi, 52, 87–8, 94–5, 105, 110, 113, 119, 134, 140, 152, 157–9, 214

Dilts, Robert, 176, 179

DIRECTV, 106–7

Disney, 169–70, 172, 217, 229

Disney, Roy, 169

doctrine, 37, 167

dominance hierarchies, 44–5, 51, 55

Domino’s Pizza, 142

dopamine, 19–20, 102–5, 107, 110

double scope blending, 153–4

Dove: Campaign for Real Beauty, 138, 202–3

Doyle, Patrick, 142

Dr Pepper, 177

Dress Barn, 220

Drive (Pink), 176

Dunbar, Robin, 143

Durkheim, Émile, 154

Dutton, Donald, 236

Duzel, Emrah, 101–3

Dyson, James, 190–1, 194–5, 202

Eagleman, David, 21

eBay, 54, 118

Ebbers, Bernie, 179–80

Edelman, 141

Effie awards, 138, 152, 192

Einstein, Albert, 3, 6–7, 14, 175, 178, 216

Eisenberger, Naomi, 47–8

Ekman, Paul, 181

electroencephalogram (EEG), 22, 52, 95–6

Electronic Arts, 155

Ellis, Albert, 189–90

Else, Tom, 122

Elsener, Carl, 160

emotional intelligence, 49, 231–2


behavior and, 60–88

decision making and, 15–16, 23, 84–8, 173–4

desires and, 41

facial expressions and, 120, 137

feeling compared with, 170–1

influence and, 9

limbic system and, 18, 60–3

memory and, 82–4, 190

overload of, 168–9

pattern interrupts and, 94–6, 101, 103, 111, 113–14

physical nature of, 78–9, 170–3

preferences and, 16–20

rationality and, 187–204

religion and, 163–80

shifting, 180–2

unconscious and, 15–16

endorsers and endorsements, 166, 192, 221–2

“Energizer bunny” campaign, 100–2, 110, 140

E.P.T., 139

Erickson, Milton, 223, 225

ethology, 34

Euro RSCG New York, 65, 112, 179

evolution, 27, 30–2, 34, 66

evolutionary psychology, 21, 31–3, 38–41, 53, 118, 127, 130, 143, 175, 209

evolved psychological mechanisms, 32–4

executive control, 189, 200

Expedia, 87

experiential marketing, 106, 112, 182, 230, 232–3, 242

Expression of the Emotions, The (Darwin), 57

Facebook, 51, 54–5, 69–70, 111, 129, 141, 173, 182, 203, 222

familiarity, 132–3

fantasy sports league, 155

Fenske, Mark, 181

fight-or-flight response, 24, 58, 61, 117, 128

fixed action patterns, 34

Flickr, 69

focus groups, xiii, 9, 11–13, 22–3, 114, 120–1, 196, 214

food selection, 33, 40–4, 65, 68–70, 101, 109

Foote, Cone & Belding, 147

Ford, 25–6, 116

Foursquare, 55–6

free will, xiii, 6, 63, 65

Freud, Sigmund, ix, 67, 149–50, 237

Frith, Chris, xiii, 154

Frito-Lay, 22–3

Frost, Robert, 108

Fry’s Electronics, 109

fun theory, 106

functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 18, 22, 47–8, 101, 139

Gallese, Vittorio, 228

galvanic skin response, 22, 85

Garner, James, 222

General Foods

International Coffee, 229

General Motors (GM), 115–23, 141

Gilmore, Gary, 149

Goleman, Daniel, 231

Goodby Silverstein & Partners, 57

Google, 144

Greatest Movie Ever Sold, The (documentary), 202

Grey Poupon, 60

Guinness, 160, 182

Hardee’s, 71

Harley-Davidson, 53, 135, 160, 178

Harris, Joe, 129

Harsanyi, John, 46

Haynes, John-Dylan, 5

Hebb, Donald, 212, 217

heuristics, 22, 36, 218

“expensive equals good,” 36

Hidden Persuaders, The (Packard), 4

Hilfiger, Tommy, 205–7, 210–12

hip-hop, 206–8

hippocampus, 18, 60–2, 101

Hirsch, George, 149

Hirshberg, Eric, 74, 121, 140

Hofstadter, Douglas, 134

Honda, 16, 196, 203

Hooters, 190

Hummer, 162

Hunter, Mark, 157

hunter-gatherers, 31, 35, 40, 42, 45, 53–4, 79, 125, 127–8, 156

hypnosis, 165–6, 223

hypothalamus, 60–1

I Am a Strange Loop (Hofstadter), 134

identity, 11, 53, 64, 152, 159, 177–9, 225

Ikea, 48

imagination, 6, 90, 147–62, 164, 169

Influence (Cialdini), 34

“Intel Inside” campaign, 86–7, 216–17

intrasexual competition, 33, 45

“invisible commercials,” 3–4

Iowa Gambling Task, 85–6

Ipsos ASI, 215

Jackson, Janet, 72

Jackson, Michael, 207, 222

Jagger, Mick, 210

James, William, 78–9, 227

Jobs, Steve, 7, 175–6, 180–1

Johnson, Magic, 221

Jordan, Michael, 46, 221

Jung, Carl, 10–11, 27, 76, 159, 162

JWT, 138, 192

Kahneman, Daniel, 192–4, 234, 242

Kappas, George John, 166

Katner, Lawrence, 76

Kelly, Gary, 129

KFC, 220

Khera, Amit, 46

King Jr., Martin Luther, 150–1

Koehn, Nancy F., 235

Kurzban, Robert, 40, 175

Lady Gaga, 111

Langer, Ellen, 199–200

Late Night with Jimmy Fallon (television talk show), 74

learned behaviors, 14–15, 21, 50, 99

LeDoux, Joseph, 61, 79–82, 84, 87, 190

Lennon, John, 126

Lexus, 108, 197–8, 201

Life Alert medical alarm, 60

Life cereal, 60

limbic system, 18, 60–3, 66–7, 165

Lindstrom, Martin, 81, 160, 213

Lombardi, Vince, 163–4

Long, Jeff, 170

L’Oreal, 135

Lowe and Partners Advertising, 36, 59

Lowenstein, George, 237

Lucas, George, 155–6

Mackay, Hugh, 145

MacLean, Paul, 58, 60, 63, 65, 67

MacNeill, Allen D., 33

Mahoney, Tim, 33

Marean, Curtis, 40

market research, x-xiii, 3–4, 7–8, 10, 13, 22, 26, 72, 82, 162, 172, 179, 215, 230. See also neuromarketing

Marlboro cigarettes, 208–12, 216

mate choice criteria, 15, 33, 53, 55, 70, 126, 143, 209–10

Mateschitz, Dietrich, 230–4

McCartney, Paul, 72

McDonald’s, 21, 41–2, 101, 217

MCI, 65, 179

media wear-out, 102

Mehrabian, Albert, 13

Meltzoff, Andrew, 133

memes, 68–9, 72–3

Messner Vetere Berger McNamee Schmetterer/Euro RSCG New York, 112. See also Euro RSCG New York

metaphors, 72, 137, 158, 161

Method Man, 206

Michelangelo effect, 135–6

Michelin, 71

Miller, Geoffrey, 53, 209

Millward Brown, 131

mirror neurons, 49–51, 133, 238

Mitchell, Andrew A., 213–14

Montague, Read, 17–20, 186–7

Montague, Ty, 138

Moore, Rob, 52

Mukherjee, Ann, 22

mu-opioid receptor gene, 47–8

Mustafa, Isaiah, 103

9/11, 74, 160

National Pork Board: “The other white meat” campaign, 218–19

natural selection, 27, 30–2, 34, 66

neocortex, 63–7, 80, 199, 228

neurobusiness, 25

NeuroFocus, 24, 219–20

neurological iconic signatures (NIS), 219–20

neuromarketing, 22–5, 78, 114, 219, 241

neuroplasticity, 212

Newberg, Andrew, 165

Nielsen, Leslie, 107

Nike, 16, 53, 72–3, 134–7, 159, 172, 229–30

Air Jordan sneakers, 46, 221

“Find your greatness” campaign, 136

“Just do it” campaign, 72–3, 134–5, 148–9

No Fear, 73

Nordstrom, 38

Notorious B.I.G., 206

novelty, 99–102, 105, 132

Old Spice, 103–4, 107–8, 110

Olson, Cheryl K., 76

Olson, Judy, 141–2

Olympic sponsors, 136–7, 108–9

overload of feeling, 168–9

oxytocin, 126–9, 143–4

P. Diddy, 221

Packard, Vance, 4

Page, Max, 94–6

paradigm, 167

Paradox of Choice, The (Schwartz), 196

Paranormal Activity (film), 51–2

pattern interrupts, 105–14

peak-end rule, 234, 242

Peller, Clara, 68–9

Pepsi, 221–2, 230, 235

Pepsi Challenge, 7–8, 17–20

Perry, Katy, 221

persona (marketing tool), 9–13, 22–3, 135, 23

Pham, Michel Tuan, 118

Philip Morris, 220–1

Marlboro Country campaign, 209–210

Marlboro Man campaign, 208–9, 216

Pink, Daniel, 156–7, 176

Pinker, Steven, 33–4, 75, 165

Pizza Hut, 220

Platt, Michael, 46

Poldrack, Russell, 100

Polycoff, Shirley, 147–9

Powerpoint, 156

Pradeep, A. K., 220

predator avoidance, 16, 33, 35, 40–1, 66, 125, 210

Predictably Irrational (Ariely), 198

Pressfield, Steven, 153

priming, 213–16

Provine, Robert, 142

qualitative market research, 12–13, 162

Quiznos, 109

RadioShack, 220

Ramachandran, V. S., 77–8, 83–4, 161, 238–9

Rapaille, G. Clotaire, 162

rational emotive behavioral therapy, 189–90

rationality, 185–204

reality television, 9, 50–1

reciprocal altruism, 33, 37–9, 45, 54, 125, 127, 130

Red Bull, 230–5, 237, 242

Relativity, Theory of, 6, 175, 216

religion, 163–80

Ries, Al, 226

rituals, 33, 50–2, 59, 68, 168, 182, 226–7, 229, 235

Ritz-Carlton, 38, 112

Rizzolatti, Giacomo, 49

72andSunny, 71

Saad, Gad, 25, 235, 240

Sam’s Club, 170

Sands, Stephen, 52, 95–6, 241

Sands Research, 52, 95

Schmetterer, Bob, 112–13

Schultz, Howard, 226

Schultz, Wolfram, 103

Schwartz, Barry, 196

Selfish Gene, The (Dawkins), 68

sex, 46–7, 66, 70–3, 187

Shakespeare, William:

Hamlet, 15

Sheldon, Mike, 105, 119, 159

Sherman, Brad, 116–17

Shiv, Baba, 193

Shoemaker, Robert, 37–8

Silk Cut, 81

Simon, Herbert, 97, 240

Simpson, Jessica, 221

Sims (video game), 155

Sinek, Simon, 179

Smith, Adam, 117

Smith, Kevin, 142

Smith, Paul, 191

Snapple All Natural Tea, 101, 202

Snoop Dogg, 207

social connection, 47–8, 65

social proof, 35, 54

Socrates, xiii somatic marker hypothesis, 86–8, 186, 235, 237

Southwest Airlines, 129–30, 142

Spears, Britney, 221

spirituality, 164–5, 176–8. See also religion Spurlock, Morgan, 202

Star Wars (film), 155–6. See also Volkswagen: Passat “The Force” campaign Starbucks, 101, 127, 172, 226–7, 229, 235, 243

Start with Why (Sinek), 179

Stella Artois, 36

Stephens, Greg, 139

story telling, 152, 155–9, 162, 169

Strangers to Ourselves (Wilson), 14

subliminal advertising, 3–5, 215–16

Super Bowl commercials, 23, 52, 72, 93–5

Survivor (television program), 50–1

symbols, 159–61

Target, 48, 53, 170, 229

taste preferences, 41–4

TBWA\Chiat\Day, 100, 151

territoriality, 33, 35, 39, 51, 59

Thoreau, Henry David, 161


creating comfort, 140–5

leading the imagination, 161–2

leveraging action, 242–4

leveraging and changing associations, 219–22

satisfying the critical mind, 201–4

shifting feelings, 180–3

using pattern interrupts, 111–14

Timberlake, Justin, 72

Titanic (film), 62, 73–4

TiVo Inc., 72, 190

Tommy Hilfiger, 205–7, 210–12

Tooby, John, 21, 39, 127

Toyota, 35, 196, 198, 230

translogic, 167–8

transparency, 121, 124, 126, 140–4

Treach, 206

Tribble, Bud, 175

tribes, 35, 44–5, 47, 53–6, 69, 79, 128, 210

Trident: “Chew on this” campaign, 192, 198

Trip Advisor, 125

trust, 130–2

Turner, Mark, 153–4, 156

Upton, Kate, 71

U.S. Army, 135

Vaillant, George, 240

values and beliefs, 177

van Baaren, Rick, 140

Vera Wang, 36

Viamontes, George I., 229

Vicary, James McDonald, 3–4

Vick, Michael, 75

Vicks Formula 44, 166–7

Victorinox, 160

video games, 21, 74–6, 135–6, 238

violence, 44, 59, 73–6, 144

Volkswagen, 10, 50, 87, 95–6, 108, 110, 114, 123

fun theory and, 106

Jetta, 9–10, 104, 196–8

Passat “The Force” campaign, 94–7, 110, 114, 152

Punch Dub campaign, 52

“Safe happens” campaign, 104–5

“Think small” campaign, 96

Tiguan, 158

Wagoner, Rick, 115–17, 121–2, 124

Walmart, 172

Way, Baldwin, 48

Wendy’s: “Where’s the beef?” campaign, 68–9

Whitacre, Ed, 141

Whole New Mind, A (Pink), 156

Wieden, Dan, 149

Wieden + Kennedy, 103, 149

Wilson, Edward O., 30

Wilson, Timothy, 14, 215–16, 225

Winfrey, Oprah, 111

Wittman, Bianca, 100–1

Wolpert, Daniel, 228

World’s Deadliest Catch television program), 71

WorldCom, 179–80

Yelp, 125

Zajonc, Robert, 132

Zak, Paul, 127–9

Zaltman, Gerald, xiii, 72

Zappos, 112