Glossary of Rhyming Slang
Abergavenny penny
blister sister
boat race face
bubble and squeak Greek
cash and carry marry
china plate (also old china) mate
chopsticks six
Christmas Eve believe
cream crackered knackered
Dicky Bird word
fridge freezer geezer
giraffe laugh
Gregory Peck cheque
half inched pinched (stolen)
Jimmy Riddle piddle (pee)
Khyber Pass arse
loaf of bread head
mince pies eyes
Mystic Megs legs
north and south mouth
pen and ink stink
pony twenty-five pounds
pork pies (also porkies) lies
raspberry tarts farts
Robin Hood good
Ruby Murray (also Ruby) curry
sausage and mash cash
Scooby Doo clue
sunny south mouth
syrup of figs wig
trouble and strife wife