
Roger Lipp

To the Men

Come on guys, admit it. If you’re like me, you’ve started a lot of projects before. Some of them lie in various stages of “done” or “done-enough.”

For me, reading an entire book is a monumental challenge. I recently went through my bookshelves and found all kinds of great books that I’ve purchased. Man, do I need to read that one. Wouldn’t it be great if I mastered that bit of knowledge. My books call out to me.

But as I was pulling the books down in one last admission that I probably won’t read them, I noticed a strange pattern. Most of my books have something odd about them: they all have a bookmark in them somewhere between chapters 2 and 3. Alas, I started the challenge, but then faded out. Each book I pick up, I start off with great intentions of completing the book and learning or putting into practice the great advice or ideas found within its pages. But something happens between chapter 1 and chapter 3. Some other project comes along, some other item of great importance develops (“hey, I’ve been meaning to fix the garage door”), and my best intentions get set aside leaving a memorial marker.

So let me make a few bold promises. First, this is an easy read, even for those of us who may not be into reading that much. Second, you’ll discover that Happy Habits for Every Couple is a lot of fun. Who knows, you might find some fun in some unexpected ways. Finally, this book is worth seeing it through. We all admit that our relationship with our wife is the most important relationship we have, but it’s all too easy to let it ride (a strategy that is suspect in Vegas and downright devastating in relationships). See this through. You will be amazed at the change in yourself and your spouse!

To the Women

Wives, you may have noticed, but there are a lot of different kinds of men. Some are eager to work on relationships. Others would be happy to swim alligator-infested waters for you, but don’t ask them how they feel about their relationship with you. But whatever kind of guy you’re hooked up with, grace is needed as you approach Happy Habits for Every Couple.

Since we encourage everyone to do this with at least one other couple, there might be a temptation to do some unhealthy comparisons. (“Wow, your husband filled your room with flowers? Mine only bought me a card!”) Every guy is different. Every relationship is in a different place. Every circumstance is different. Enjoy the process and don’t compare us (you may have noticed that we have pretty fragile egos). Give us credit for just being willing to do this very outside-our-comfort-zone kind of project.

We need all the positive reinforcement we can get.

A Word from Kathi on the Writing of This Book

You know how in your marriage some tasks naturally fall to you and some naturally fall to your spouse? Roger makes the bed and I make sure that everyone has at least one pair of presentable underwear in their drawers. Roger pays the bills and I make sure that we all are fed each night.

But not all of our roles fall along traditional gender lines. Somehow, making sure the garbage gets to the curb has fallen to me. But I can’t really complain because on our morning and evening walks, Roger is the designated pooper scooper. (Jake, the puggle, thanks you. And so do our neighbors.)

So when it came to this book, we both went with our strengths. I’m the writer of the family, and trying to go back and forth in two voices seemed confusing, so I put the words to the page.

But let’s be clear—every project, every idea has been thought up, executed, and test-driven by both Roger and me and about 200 friends at Church on the Hill in San Jose, California. Roger is the more creative of us two, and the more romantic most of the time, so his fingerprints are all over these pages.

We wanted a practical guide that brought you both out of your comfortable marriage box just a little bit. Between the two of us, and all the contributing husbands and wives, I think we have just the thing for you here.

Here’s to enjoying your marriage a little more today than yesterday.