In this book, we’ve shared our stories, ideas, and beliefs about what it means to be a PIRATE leader. We’ve shared the trials and tribulations of being a school or district leader in this era where testing and standardization have drilled into our creativity and innovation. Mostly, we hope that we shared how amazing it can be to serve as a leader and the power you have to change lives forever.
As a leader, you not only have a responsibility to serve the students in your school, but you also have an obligation to support the teachers who are in the trenches every day. It is your responsibility to give them the tools they need to do their jobs and remove the roadblocks so that the amazing can happen. We are here for you and happy to support you on your journey. Reach out on Twitter at @burgess_shelley or @BethHouf or by using our hashtag #LeadLAP. You can also find all of our contact information and other Lead Like a PIRATE resources on our website
Model what you hope for in your teachers and your students. Take risks, try new things, and don’t be afraid to have fun doing it. Build a school or a district where students, staff, and families are running to get in rather than out. You can do it! Make it happen! Lead Like A Pirate!