
“Adopt a Project” model

in Room to Read Nepal

in Room to Read Vietnam

Afghanistan, madrassa schools in


clean water needed by

aid, traditional model of

American Himalayan Foundation (AHF)

Animal Farm (Orwell)

Annapurna Circuit


Armstrong, Lance

Livestrong bracelets of

Art of Happiness, The (Dalai Lama)

Atlanta fund-raising chapter


Bahundanda village

Baker, James, III

Ballmer, Steve

as data-driven

employees respected by

“650” acronym of

keynote speech of

loyalty of

results as focus of

on Vietnamese software piracy


Barnes & Noble


Beck, Christopher

Beethoven, Ludwig van


Bella (JW’s employee)

Ben (JW’s colleague)

Benighat village

Bezos, Jeff

Bhatia, Sabeer

Blair, Tony

book donations

millionth-book celebration of

by Scholastic

Bookseller of Kabul, The (Seierstad)

Books for Nepal

accountability for results of

“Adopt a Project” model of

business plan of

coinvestment model of

delivery of

e-mails on

inception of

initial book drive of

local project officers of

mission statement of

name change of; see also Room to Read; Room to Read Nepal

overhead of

shipping of

Boston fund-raising chapter

fund-raising event of

Brown, Lynda



Buffett, Warren

Bush, George W.



bias against women in

educational infrastructure destroyed in

education valued in

English spoken in

Khmer Rouge genocide in

noodle soup stands in

poverty of

strong work ethic of

Tong Slek Secondary School of

young entrepreneurs in

see also Room to Read Cambodia


Carnegie, Andrew

Carter, Jimmy

Casio programmable calculator

Centers for Disease Control

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

challenge grants

as form of fund-raising

for Room to Read Nepal

for Room to Read Vietnam

Chan, Dean

changing the world, advice on


accountability for results lacked by

of Bill and Melinda Gates

of billionaires


high overhead of

of Microsoft China

pity as marketing tool of

program delivery as focus of

tax-deductible status of

thinking big by

traditional aid model of

Chicago fund-raising chapter

fund-raising events of

Chicago Tribune

children, fund-raising by


business meeting entourages in

capitalist ventures embraced by

Communist Party of

computers for

GNP of

good political connections in

photo ops as incentive in

poverty in

proverb of

public school system of

television set ownership in

see also Gates, Bill, China visited by; Microsoft China

China Central Television (CCTV)

Chintha (Sri Lankan woman)


Clarissa (JW’s Microsoft colleague)

Clinton, Bill


JW’s live interviews on

CNN Headline News

coinvestment model

see also challenge grants

Coles Myer Ltd. (CML)


Commodore PET computers

Computer Room program

of Room to Read Cambodia

of Room to Read Nepal

of Room to Read Vietnam


for china

memory in

programming of

shortcut keys of


Congressional Committee on Human Rights

Continental Bank


Dalai Lama

data-driven approach

Deng Xiaoping

Devkota, Kripali


Dim Boramy

disasters, human responses to

Donohoe, Robin Richards

Dostoyevksy, Fyodor

dot-com bubble

Draper, William H., III

Draper Richards Foundation (DRF)

drinking water, safe



Edison, Thomas

85 Broads

Eisenhower, Mary

employee stock ownership plans (ESOP)

Erensel, Brent


Flynn, John

Foege, William


Francis de Sales, Saint

Friedman, Thomas


annual amount of

cash flow and

challenge grants as form of

by children

core principles in

DRF pledge in

enhanced airport security and

Global Catalyst Foundation grant in

global travelers and

maintaining positive reputation in

Microsoft grant in

multiple donor sources as goal of

optimistic emphasis in

passionate attitude in


rejections in

for Room to Grow

for Room to Read Sri Lanka

for Room to Read Vietnam

salesmanship in

Sponsored Silence as technique of

tax-deductible charity status needed for

tenacious employees needed for

thinking big in

Tibet Fund grant in

virtuous circle in

volunteer fund-raisers in

see also “Adopt a Project” model

fund-raising events

as “awareness raisers”

in Boston

in Chicago

in Hong Kong

in London

at Mount Everest

in New York City


for Room to Grow

for Room to Read Cambodia

slide shows at

in Vancouver

fund-raising network

city chapters of

competitive spirit in


for large-scale philanthropy

motivation for involvement in

Nepali-Americans in

planning of

super-empowered individuals in


Ganju, Erin Keown, (chief operating officer)

Gates, Bill

“batboy” of

charities of

clothing of

as data-driven

haircut of

net worth of

personality of

Gates, Bill, China visited by

Chinese youth and

clothing sent ahead in

Hong Kong border crossing of

Microsoft Venus launch in

photo ops in

preparations for

press conference on

schedule of

Shui Junyi television interview of

Gates, Melinda French

JW’s job interview with

Gates Foundation

Gehrig, Lou

girls, long-term scholarships for, see Room to Grow girls’ scholarship program

Global Catalyst Foundation

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

Goldman Sachs

85 Broads of

Grameen Bank

guinea worm, eradication of


Habitat for Humanity

Haman, Anja

Hanson, Janet

Harris, Ed

Hillary, Sir Edmund

Himalayan Primary School

Himalayan Trust

Hong Kong

Hong Kong fund-raising chapter

fund-raising event of





immigrants, U.S.


bias against women in

illiteracy in

“nonresident Indian” (NRI) community of

poverty of

Rajasthan state of

see also Room to Read India


Informatics newspaper


International Herald Tribune


domain names on


Islam, anti-Westernism of



Jennings, Peter

Jiang Zemin

Jim (JW’s college friend)

Joseph, Anthony


Kara (office manager)


Buddhist monastery in

Lions Club in

Kathmandu Post

Katrak village

Kemp, Jacques

Khmer Rouge

Kierkegaard, Søren

Kim (JW’s friend)



Laura (JW’s friend)

Leary, Sarah

Levine, Alison

Lin, Carol

Lin, Pin-Pin

Lindenmayer, Michael

Lions Club

Listwin, Don

Liu Wei


London fund-raising chapter



madrassa schools

Mao Tse-tung

Marsyendi River


Michael (JW’s colleague)

Michele (PR consultant)

microfinance model


annual Worldwide Sales and Marketing meeting of

casual dress code of

corporate culture of

data-driven approach of

e-commerce initiatives of

employees respected at

employee stock-options program of

focus on results at

grant from

hiking philosophy of

Hotmail purchased by

IBM and

JW’s departure from

JW’s job interview at

loyalty at

pay rate of

R&D spending of

stressful pace at

tenacious employees sought by

thinking big at

Microsoft Access

Microsoft Australia

Microsoft China

antipiracy efforts of

Chinese employees of

investments of

negative media coverage of

public relations problem of

regionwide charity initiative of

research lab established by

sales goal of

see also Gates, Bill, China visited by

Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office Suite

Microsoft Venus

Microsoft Vietnam

Microsoft Word

Mike (JW’s colleague)

Milan fund-raising chapter

millionth-book milestone

Mount Everest expedition, all-American women’s

Munamalpe village


in Sri Lanka


Nam Sreyny

Nancy (JW’s friend)

NASA astronauts

Nebedita (Room to Grow program officer)


airport pickup in

average earnings in

brick factories in

ceremonies in

Dhading district of

District Development Committees of

flower garland welcomes in

GNP of

illiteracy rate of

JW’s vacation trek in

lodges in

lodging costs in

meal menus in

mountain roads of

number of villages in

1,001 as lucky number in

poverty of

prayer flags of

yak-butter tea of

Nepal, schools of

empty libraries of

English taught in

overcrowded classrooms of

see also Books for Nepal; Room to Read Nepal


New York

see also September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks of

New York fund-raising chapter

fund-raising events of

New York Yankees

New Zealand

Nguyen Thai Vu

computer studies of

earnings of

JW’s introduction to

languages learned by

parents of

pride of

progress of

scholarship money accepted by

non-governmental organizations (NGOs)


Shiva Charity

nonprofit organizations, see charities



Oxford University


Paris fund-raising chapter


Pasupathi, “Pat”

Phnom Penh

Porter, Michael


public libraries




raffle tickets

Rajeev (local program officer)

Rasch family


Sri Lankan


Rockefeller, John D.

Rodi, Bruno

Room to Grow girls’ scholarship program

as both men’s and women’s issue

in Cambodia

cost of

expansion of

fund-raising for

generational effect of

in India

local female program officers of

materials supplied by

Mexico’s need for

in Nepal

number of recipients

slide shows on

as smart investment

social benefits of

tutors in

Room to Read:

accountability for results of

achievements of

board of directors of

business model of

“cheap and cheerful” approach of

choice of organizational name for; see also Books for Nepal

core leadership and management principles of

data-driven approach of

dedicated employees of

development director of

employee benefits package of

ethos of

expansion of

female staff of

funding of, see fund-raising

goals of

job interviews at

JW’s extreme work schedule at

low overhead of

loyalty at

microfinance model of

ongoing community support of

positive work environment of

press coverage of

results listed on e-mail signature file of

retirement program of

school bags of

thinking big by

2001 budget of

vigorous debate encouraged at

Web site of

Room to Read Cambodia

Computer Room program of

fund-raising event for

local project officers of

Room to Grow scholarships in

women teachers trained by

Room to Read India

bilingual libraries of

Room to Grow scholarships in

Room to Read Nepal

at Benighat

challenge grants for

Computer Room program of

cost of

enrollment in

Himalaya Primary School in

at Katrak

land and volunteer labor donated to

local program officers of

millionth-book milestone celebration of

Mount Everest expedition as fund-raising event for

Nepali donors to

NGO partners of

opening ceremonies of

photos of

project adoption in

Room to Grow scholarships in

Shree Bageshwori school in

Shree Bhagawati Primary School in

Shree Ram Janaki Lower Secondary School in

Simle School in

Tibetan refugee communities in

unannounced school inspection by

Room to Read Sri Lanka

in Ampara District

creativity engendered by

Erin’s onsite review of

fund-raising for

government assistance vs.

initial response of

libraries opened by

local volunteer labor in

media coverage of

in Munamalpe village

schools rebuilt by

Shiva Charity as partner of

Sri Lankan expatriate volunteers in

Students Helping Students campaign in

“tsunami wristbands” sold for

Room to Read Vietnam

challenge grants for

Computer Room programs of

Erin in

fund-raising for

organizational name change mandated by

photos of

project adoption in

see also Nguyen Thai Vu; Vietnam

Ruth, Babe


Sakoian, Carol foundation

San Diego

San Francisco

San Francisco fund-raising chapter

Saudi Arabia


Sciabica, Tina

Seattle fund-raising chapter

Seierstad, Asne

September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks of

Afghanistan’s madrassa schools and

Chicago chapter fund-raising event after

enhanced airport security after

Shapiro, Ben

Sherpa, Dawa

Shilpi (local program officer)

Shiva Charity

Shrestha, Dinesh

at opening ceremonies

Shui Junyi


Singapore fund-raising chapter

Sivakumaran, Suba

Skoll Foundation conference

Sophie (JW’s girlfriend)

Soviet Union

Sponsored Silence fund-raising technique

Struthers, Sally

Students Helping Students campaign

Sunisha (local program officer)



Sydney fund-raising chapter




Tamil Tigers

Tavern Club


Than, Professor

Theroux, Paul

thinking big

Tibet Fund

Tidlow, Mr.

tikka powder


Tong Slek Secondary School

Trell, Julie

Trump, Donald


media coverage of

schools destroyed by

see also Room to Read Sri Lanka

“tsunami wristbands”

Tuladhar, Sujina


Unfinished Presidency, The (Brinkley)


United Nations

girls’ education advocated by

United Nations Development Program (UNDP)

Uppington, Bob

Usha (educator)


Valentine, Hilary

Valvano, Jim

Vancouver fund-raising chapter

venture capitalists

V Foundation


baby boom in


Computer Academy in

earnings in

education valued in

gift-giving in

Japan and

JW’s backpacking trek in

Microsoft software piracy in

overcrowded classrooms of

poverty in

tourism in

see also Nguyen Thai Vu; Room to Read Vietnam

Vietnamese National Railway

Vu, see Nguyen Thai Vu




Washington, D.C., fund-raising chapter

Weirton News and Views

Weirton Steel

Welch, Jack

Windows 95

Windows NT certification exams


all-American Mount Everest expedition of

bias against

illiteracy rate of

as JW’s childhood mentors

Nepalese, cement bags carried by

in Sri Lanka

see also Room to Grow girls’ scholarship program

Wood, John J.:

Boston Marathon run by

as childhood entrepreneur

childhood reading of

financial analysis of

financial career of

financial problems of

first computer experience of

40th birthday celebration of

journals of

mundane tasks neglected by

parents of; see also Wood, Mr. “Woody”

personality of

relationship problems of

rented quarters of

women as childhood mentors of

Wood, Mr. “Woody”

advice given by

in book drive

in Nepal

World Health Organization


XL Capital


Yadav (local program officer)

Yunus, Muhammad