1. Naomi felt like the abuse she suffered at the hands of her husband was her fault. Have you or anyone you’ve known been in this situation and felt the same way as Naomi?
2. There is fourteen years difference between Naomi and Brock, but Brock is young at heart. Do you think this is too much of an age difference? What if the situation had been reversed and Naomi was fourteen years older than Brock? Does it make a difference?
3. There are a lot of superstitions attached to the phases of the moon. Is there any truth to them?
4. At the end of the story, we see Naomi and Brock moving toward a romantic relationship, along with Brock’s willingness to convert to the Amish way of life. Where do you see Brock and Naomi in ten years? Twenty years?
5. Powwowing is a controversial practice with varying degrees of acceptance or rejection within certain Amish communities. This author’s source said she believes powwowing to be an evil practice, while others seek out powwowers in secret—for healing, help conceiving a child, or other wants/needs. Have you heard of this practice before? If so, what is your opinion?
6. Who was your favorite character in the story? Why?