

Everyone should always be able to play with everybody

The next day the detectives rested at the police station.

“That was clever about the gigantic fines,” said Buffy.

“Yes, and now everyone will understand that teasing is a serious matter,” said Gordon. “By the way, I’m pretty tired. Perhaps we could take an afternoon nap. Shall I read you a night-time story? Or an afternoon story, I should say…”

Buffy was a bit tired of all the crimes in the Book of Law. Forbidden: to say boo to a frightened beaver. Forbidden: to hide the potty from a frog who needs it in a hurry.

“I already understand what’s forbidden,” she said. “There’s someone sitting inside me who sort of whispers what’s right. Maybe it’s my mother, or a little old man, or an elf…”

“Hmm,” said Gordon. “Perhaps it is that simple.”

“When you do something, and you’re happy thinking about it afterwards, then it’s allowed,” said Buffy. “When you do something, and you’re a little sad thinking about it afterwards, that’s often forbidden.”

They each lay on their bed and thought about this.

“Has the chief ever done anything that made him a little sad?” asked Buffy.

“Hmm,” muttered Gordon. “Perhaps, but I’ve more often been embarrassed. That time when I was trying to arrest the rabbit. And have I told you what really happened when I drove the fox from the forest?”

He began to tell the story about the fox lying under the bush with the hen’s feather in its mouth.

Gordon had cleared his throat loudly until the fox woke up. Then he had told him very firmly to go away. There must be no more eating of animals!

He stood courageously in front of the fox.

“Haha!” said the fox. “You’re going to make me do it, are you, shrimp?”

“I am, because I am Chief of Police,” Gordon replied bravely, and he puffed himself up till he looked like a cannonball.

He would sacrifice everything for his forest. There was so much courage inside his toad chest.

“If you refuse, you will have to eat me first,” said Gordon.

The fox looked at him. Up and down. The little toad head with the big mouth. The round, popping-out eyes. The puffed-up, warty body. The wet feet.

The fox rolled his eyes.

“Urk!” he said at last. “Never in my life would I eat anything so disgusting!”

And so the fox went away and never returned.


The animals in the forest had praised the detective for his courage and strength. But the detective had felt sad somehow. Disgusting? He had never told anyone. Until now.

Buffy lay looking at the ceiling. She sighed.

“I was so scared when I stood there in the fog and heard the mysterious BOMBA BOMBA,” she said. “I started sucking my thumb. I don’t know why. And then it was just a little kindergarten that appeared…”

They lay there and sighed.

“We’re very brave police,” said Gordon. “Though we’re normal animals, too. Frightened. Tired. Or hungry.”

He got up. He had a sudden craving for a really big, secret night cake. Even though it was the middle of the day.


They brewed tea and ate the dark chocolate cakes with redcurrant jelly. There weren’t any big ones, so Gordon ate four small ones instead.

Outside the window they heard BOMBA BOMBA. The kindergarten was out walking. There were several more young ones now: three new magpie babies and two new crow babies. All with backpacks. All singing happily.

“Everyone should always be able to play with everybody,” mumbled Gordon. “Perhaps that’s the most important thing of all. We can be very proud of the law we stamped today!”

He found the piece of paper and put it in the box of important papers.

Then he got up and took the stamp and adjusted it a little bit. Then he went and packed some cakes, clothes, a book, and his toothbrush.

“I think I need a break,” he said. “Chief Detective Buffy, may I take a long trip out of town?”

“Will I be on my own?” said Buffy. “Can I do that?”

“Yes! You’re the best police mouse in the world!”

Gordon took his bag and added a sunhat and sunglasses.

“I’ll find a little house with a big bed,” he said. “And I’ll get a single cake tin. Because it doesn’t matter whether it’s night or day. I’ll be relaxing!”

Hmm, maybe I should retire after that, he thought. I’ll see how I feel when I’ve slept for fourteen days or so…

Buffy went with him to the door.

“But what if there’s something I can’t handle?”

“Just whistle and I’ll come at once! Like this: hwee, hwee, hwee.”


Gordon thought for a minute. Even if she doesn’t whistle, I’ll come past and see how she’s doing…

It was a happy day in the forest. The squirrels were playing and scurrying about. The thrushes were singing without a care.

Gordon wandered off with his suitcase in hand. At the edge of the forest he turned.

“Never use the pistol!” he called. “Guard it so that no one ever uses it.”

Buffy waved.

Then she put on her uniform hat and sat at the desk.

Small mouse, very large desk. I am quite clever, she thought.

DETECTIVE BUFFY, she wrote on a piece of paper. She could write her name now.

She stamped. When she looked at the stamp she saw that Gordon had changed it so it said Detective Buffy.

She felt very pleased and proud.

She laughed. And a very little tear fell onto the paper.

