My gratitude to the editors of the following
publications in which some of the poems in this volume first
appeared, some in slightly different forms and two with different titles.
The Antioch Review: Generations; Into Their Own
Boston Review: Jacob’s Ladder
Crazyhorse: The Match
eleventhMuse: Mischief in the Madrigal
Field: Alpha and Omega; A Statement of Certainty; A Traversing
The Georgia Review: In General
The Gettysburg Review: A Meeting of the Ways;
The History of Starlight at Night
The Hudson Review: Come, Drink Here
Iron Horse Literary Review: Symbols and Signs; Into the Wind’s Castle;
The Questing; Seeing What Is Seen
North Dakota Quarterly: This Little Glade, Remember;
The Measure of a Finger
onEarth: Tabula Rasa
Orion Online: Grief
Poetry: The Body and the Soul; God and His People; The Passing of the
Wise Men; Keeping Up; Feeding Our Ancient Ancestors;
Servant, Birthright
Portland: Where God’s Grief Appears
Potpourri: The Soul of Subtlety
Prairie Schooner: Bearings on a Winter Evening
River City: And Motion in Philosophy
Spirituality and Health: Who Might Have Said
Tampa Review: Creating a Pillar to Heaven
The Tin House: Study from Right Angles; The Lost Creation of the Earth
Wabash Magazine: On the Eve of the Hearing
Thanks to Robert Lewis for first bringing to my attention
Heterocephalus glaber.