
It is a privilege to thank those who have made this book possible. I begin with my superb editor, Pamela Dorman. I cannot say enough about the importance of her magnificent editing or her ardent support of me and my work.

I am grateful to my literary agent, Jennifer Rudolph Walsh. A writer could not wish for a more brilliant guide or passionate advocate. My deep thanks also goes to Virginia Barber, a literary agent of extraordinary measure, who has been there for me from the beginning.

I am grateful to all the wonderful people at Viking Penguin: Susan Petersen Kennedy, Clare Ferraro, Kathryn Court, Francesca Belanger, Paul Buckley, Leigh Butler, Rakia Clark, Carolyn Coleburn, Tricia Conley, Maureen Donnelly, John Fagan, Hal Fessenden, Bruce Giffords, Victoria Klose, Judi Powers, Roseanne Serra, Nancy Sheppard, Julie Shiroishi, and Grace Veras. Thank you to the phenomenal sales department: Dick Heffernan, Norman Lidofsky, Mike Brennan, Phil Budnick, Mary Margaret Callahan, Hank Cochrane, Fred Huber, Tim McCall, Patrick Nolan, Don Redpath, Katya Shannon, Glenn Timony, and Trish Weyenberg.

I owe much to the following people for taking time to respond to my questions: Greg Reidinger, for sharing his expertise about boats and for his helpful ideas; Dr. Deborah Milling, for her generosity in assisting me with medical matters in the book; Tim Currie, for helping me grasp the intricacies of hand-tying cast nets; Trenholm Walker, for background on cases of environmental law; Dr. Frank Morris, who kindly provided me with Latin translations.

I cannot imagine having written this book without the loving community of friends who offered me much wisdom and encouragement: Terry Helwig, Susan Hull Walker, Carolyn Rivers, Trisha Sinnott, Curly Clark, Lynne Ravenel, Carol Graf, and Donna Farmer.

I’m grateful to Jim Helwig for friendship and laughter. Thanks to Patti Morrison for always being available with help and good coffee.

I would like to thank my family. My daughter, Ann Kidd Taylor, assisted me with research and also read each chapter as I finished it, offering excellent literary insights and story ideas. There is no doubt that The Mermaid Chair is a better novel because of Ann. Scott Taylor, my son-in-law, has been my ingenious computer and Web consultant, a strong promoter of my work who helped me find information about everything from baseball to the true color of shrimp. My son, Bob Kidd, and my daughter-in-law, Kellie Kidd, have cheered me on with avid enthusiasm and support. Roxie Kidd and Ben Taylor both came into my life as I wrote this novel and remind me every day of what really matters. My parents, Leah and Ridley Monk, have been true champions of my work and filled my life with love and goodness.

My deepest love and gratitude go to my husband, Sandy. During the writing of this book, he bestowed on me an abundance of love, humor, perspective, sound advice, patience, and the best of his culinary skills, threatening only once to join a support group for Spouses of Writers.