Learning Style QuickCheck for Toddlers, Thirteen Months to Three Years of Age

Directions: Check all the statements below that are characteristic of your toddler. Then, total the checks in each column and compare your totals. Typically, most of your responses will be in one or two of the categories, providing a clear picture of your toddler’s preferred learning style.




1. Communication: When my toddler wishes to express herself. . .

EH She has a small vocabu¬ lary.

EH She has a large vocabu¬ lary.

EH She relies on nonverbal communication.

D She speaks in short sen¬ tences.

EH She combines words into sentences that are easy to understand.

EH She speaks very little.

□ She confuses the order of words in sentences.

EH She likes to talk.

EH Her speech is difficult to understand.

2. Favorite Toys and Pastimes: When my toddler plays . . .

EH She likes shape sorters and stacking rings.

EH She enjoys being read to.

EH She often chooses the sandbox and outdoor activi¬ ties.

EH She often chooses to play with blocks.

EH She learns nursery rhymes and the words to songs easily.

EH She pulls things out of drawers and off shelves.

EH She likes crayons, pa¬ per, and paints.

EH She likes records and tapes.

EH She takes toys apart.

3. Motor Skills: When my toddler moves about. . .

D She likes to use her hands and fingers in play.

EH She concentrates on language rather than full- body play.

EH She especially likes to climb.

D She looks around while riding the swing.

EH She has limited coordi¬ nation.

EH She is well coordinated.

4. Social Skills: When my toddler is around other people . . .

EH She often pulls away from being touched.

EH She likes to be close, but prefers talking to touching or holding.

EH She likes to be rocked and held, and always wants more.

D She uses facial expres¬ sions to reflect happiness, sadness, and anger.

EH She changes the vol¬ ume of her speech accord¬ ing to her mood.

EH She seeks out hugs.

5. Emotions: When it comes to my toddler’s feelings

. . .

EH She is not very emo¬ tional.

EH She expresses her feel¬ ings with dramatic flair.

EH Her feelings are easily hurt.

EH She seems surprised by the outbursts of other chil¬ dren

EH She uses names for feelings, such as “happy” or “sad.”

D She is prone to frequent and surprising outbursts of joy and anger.

6. Memory: When my toddler learns . . .

EH She remembers faces.

EH She adds words to her vocabulary quickly. -

EH She imitates the actions she sees, such as washing the car.

EH She remembers activi¬ ties best after seeing them.

EH She remembers a word or name after hearing it only once.

EE She remembers activi¬ ties best after doing them.

Totals: Looker



Chapter Four