Strategies for Lookers

A Looker child requires a neat, organized work space, with all of his materials in plain sight. Provide colorful, neatly labeled trays and bins in which he can store pencils, crayons, paper, and other supplies. Post a chart showing your child's various school subjects, and have him note each completed assignment. Use a variety of stickers, stars, and happy faces as rewards for staying with taxing language arts assignments.

Teach your child some visual strategies to help him remember letter sounds. Remind him that T looks like "Tree," F looks like "Flag," and S looks like "Snake." You can also color-code vowels to help him remember short and long sounds. Short a's can be colored black; long a's, gray; short e's, red; and long e's, green.

Encourage your Looker to draw pictures of troubling math problems—groups of balls or blocks, perhaps, to represent the numbers he wishes to add or subtract. You can provide highlighter pens, and suggest that your child use them to color important words or names in his reading (excluding textbooks, of course). And, finally, the classic flash card is an excellent tool for Lookers, who excel at memorization. Try using different-colored index cards as cues for various subjects.