Building Mover Skills

Your child may not call upon his Mover skills when he reads, writes, or memorizes math facts, but that doesn't mean that Mover skills should be ignored. A child who possesses a Mover's speed and coordination also possesses a sense of self-confidence that will stand him in good stead in all his endeavors. It pays, then, to develop your child's gross motor skills, regardless of his natural learning preference.

Children who are Movers by nature can never get enough tactile stimulation, and so will delight in any gross motor activity you plan. Listeners and Lookers, who are less certain of their own agility and much less enamored of full-body play, will be most amenable to Mover activities that also draw upon their favored skills, whether visual or auditory. A Listener, for example, might enjoy a game of "Red Rover" much more than a foot race, while a Looker might prefer a bicycle ride through the country. The following ideas will help you build your first grader's Mover skills.


■ Worlds of Wonder's SkipStick is a jump rope with a pole attached to each end to make jumping easy.

■ Child-sized tool sets are available in most toy stores. Work together with your child to build a bird feeder, a balance beam, or—for experts—a playhouse.

■ Invest in or arrange to use a neighbor's height-adjustable basketball net. The real thing is much more challenging than a four-foot toy version, and can be lowered from regulation height to allow basket-shooting success.

■ Introduce your child to the joys of horseback riding.

■ String up a net or rope in your backyard, and use it for a game of badminton or beach-ball volleyball.

■ On the next breezy day, teach your child how to fly a kite.

■ First Sports makes an inflatable pool game called Splash-Dunk Water Basketball.

■ Wham-O's Dragonfire is a four-wheel scooter, complete with a foot- controlled steering mechanism. The classic two-wheel scooter is great fun for Movers, too.

■ Enroll your child in a dance or martial arts class.

■ Encourage your child to participate in an organized sport, such as softball, baseball, or soccer.

■ Mattel has a line of Hot Wheels car and truck miniatures that change color when exposed to heat and cold.

■ Introduce your child to skiing or ice skating.

■ Find the nearest amusement park that features bumper cars, and treat your child to a ride in one.

■ String two dozen rubber bands together to make a Chinese jump rope. You and a third person can stretch the rope into an elongated oval by looping it around the backs of your legs. Your child can then jump over, in, and out on one or both feet.

■ Seek out new and different playgrounds at which your child can play. Check parks, school yards, and neighboring towns to see what's available.


■ Involve your child in a backyard throwing and catching game, like "Spud" or "War."

■ Plan mini-adventures with your child, such as trips to a beach, an art festival, a greenhouse, or a marina.

■ Enlist your child's help with the planting and tending of a vegetable or flower garden. Designate one section in which he can experiment and be creative.

■ Suggest that your child invite some neighborhood children over for kickball or some other team sport.

■ Pitch a tent—or design a makeshift version from blankets—and camp out with your child.

■ Call a local college or art center to find out about acting classes for children.

■ Sign your child up for Cub Scouts, Blue Birds, Brownies, or the 4-H Club. Offer to help out at meetings as often as possible.

■ Introduce your child to the game of miniature golf.

■ Milton Bradley's Twister has a spinner that determines where players must position their hands and feet on a large mat. The game progresses until one player loses his balance.

■ Plan a family hike, even if it's through city streets. Pack a blanket and bag lunch for a picnic.

■ Contact your child's school for information about local hands-on science museums.

■ Take your child to a local video arcade and introduce him to a few of the games. (To avoid crowds of older children, try to be there when the arcade opens.)

■ Draw a three-foot by three-foot square with chalk, and divide it into three rows of three squares each. Randomly assign each square a number from one to nine; then write a ten in a semicircle at the top of your game board. The object of this game, "Chinese Potsy," is to jump from square to square in numerical sequence, reaching number ten without stepping on any lines.

■ Invest in a bicycle rack that mounts on your car. Transport your bicycles, and your child, to a novel location for a ride through new and different surroundings.

■ Draw 3 four-foot parallel lines, approximately four feet apart. Place a two-foot branch or broomstick on the center line, then stand behind

one of the other lines with your child doing the same thing directly opposite you. Bounce a ball to your child, attempting to hit the stick so that it rolls in his direction. Your child will then try to "bounce" the stick back your way. The person who forces the stick across his opponent's line first is the winner.

As you review the suggestions provided above, you'll no doubt think of other skill-building activities for your child's play times. My lists are intended to serve only as guidelines. Some of your own ideas may be even better suited to your schedule; your tolerance for noise, clutter, and activity; and your child's own tastes. Feel free to experiment!

Please be patient as you watch for results. Your child's current skill levels were six to seven years in the making, and improvement may take weeks or months. Meanwhile, your efforts will no doubt grant your child a bit more of your attention, allowing him to derive maximum enjoyment—and plenty of learning-skill enhancement—from the time he spends at home.