Eighth-grade students utilize their auditory skills in every one of their classes. Certain subjects, however, have a focus on language and sound that makes them particularly appealing to those who possess the Listener learning style. An eighth-grade Listener, for instance, can be expected to shine in reading, due to the strong phonics skills that enable him to breeze through increasingly complex printed material, as well as his excellent comprehension and recall of text. Further, a Listener continues to have the edge in social studies and science, and now also enjoys an advantage in such courses as health and home/career skills. As mentioned in Chapter Seven (see page 168), social studies and science also have certain Looker elements. However, oral presentations, class discussions, and group projects are an even larger part of each class, and are most easily handled by those with strong auditory skills. In addition. Listeners are the most comfortable with eighth-grade textbook material and are usually the best at note-taking, a process that requires a careful ongoing screening of what is heard in class.
Chapter Seven described foreign language class as an auditory exercise—a Listener subject. This continues to be the case in eighth grade, with Listeners applying their inborn verbal and phonics skills to the memorization and mastery of the vocabulary, culture, and history of another land.
Eighth-grade language arts encompasses the study of literature, grammar, composition, and spelling. Listeners retain an advantage in all but the last area of study because they are at ease with reading, have an almost-instinctive grasp of word usage and sentence structure, and can express their thoughts clearly and accurately.
By eighth grade, vocal and instrumental music have usually been designated as elective courses, or, in some cases, have been reduced to extracurricular activities. Listener skills are very much in demand in these classes, as chorus members memorize the rhythm and lyrics of each new song, and musicians fine-tune the individual parts of each piece of music and then blend those parts into a melodious whole. However, as eighth graders are introduced to increasingly sophisticated musical selections, the reading of complex written scores and the dexterity required to transform them into music becomes more and more a task for Lookers.