From the time they can first grasp a pencil, most Looker children enjoy seat work, and this preference generally remains strong throughout the
school years. Your eighth-grade Looker will appreciate a desk or other private work space in which he can store his supplies without fear of other household members making a mess of things. You can encourage your Looker teen's creative side by supplementing ordinary desk-top items with neon markers, colored chalk, stencils, oil crayons, and glitter pens. Your neat, methodical Looker will also benefit from a bulletin board and chalkboard near his work area.
As a rule, eighth-grade Lookers are quite self-reliant when it comes to recording, organizing, and completing school work. You may wish to encourage your child's use of different-colored inks, thumbnail sketches, and highlighting to make note-taking more interesting. The idea of using separate notebooks and folders for each subject may be quite appealing, and, at test time, you can also suggest that your child condense his notes into outline form—a technique that simplifies the memorization of facts. Although most Lookers like to study alone, your child may welcome your offer of a last-minute oral quiz. If your teen seems bogged down by a particular unit of study or a difficult piece of literature, you might search out a video or generously illustrated book that can provide missing background information.