Most Listener teens have little difficulty with homework. A parent's biggest problem is convincing the Listener to find time to get the work done. It is often helpful to mandate a homework time at the start of the school year. However, the Listener's extracurricular schedule often is so full that you may have to be flexible. If this is the case, frequent reminders about homework's priority status are probably in order. Fortunately, once they get started, most Listeners are responsible enough to see their assignments through, though they are likely to appreciate an offer of proofreading or typing assistance.
The presence of a friend often makes study time more palatable to the Listener. You may also wish to suggest that your child tape-record material, and that he read instructions and notes aloud. As an auditory learner, your teen will remember facts and terms better if he hears them. Therefore, if your Listener is stumped by a certain mathematical process or science procedure, remind him to talk himself through the work, step by step. It may also help to furnish books or videos that relate to, and generate further interest in, any units of study that your Listener finds troublesome.