Alexandria campaign
execution of
rivalry with Arsinoe
Acilius, Lucius
Acta Diurnia (newspaper)
Actium, Battle of
Acts of the Apostles
Aemilius, Marcus
Afranius, Lucius
African campaign
African Triumph
Agrippa, Marcus
Alaexander Helios
Albinus, Decimus Brutus
Alesia, Siege of
Alexander the Great
Antony’s pseudo-Triumph in
Caesar’s negotiations and
Caesar’s prolonged conflict in
Caesar’s siege of
causeway fighting and
Cleopatra’s arrival in
description of
Jewish residents of
street fighting and fire in
surrender to Caesar of
water supply of
Alexandrian Triumph
Alexandrian War, The (Hirtius)
Antipater Nile Delta battle and
Antonius, Primus
Antony, Gaius
Antony, Mark
Caesar and
Caesar’s assassination and
Caesar’s assassination aftermath and
Caesar’s funeral oration by
on Caesar’s generosity
Cleopatra’s children with
Cleopatra’s relationship with
Cleopatra’s son with Caesar and
military abilities of
mutinous troops and
Parthian campaign of
Pharsalus battle and
physical appearance of
pseudo-Triumph of
as ruler of Rome
in Second Triumvirate
self-indulgence of
suicide of
on Caesar’s assassination
on Caesar’s Triumphs
on Pharnaces campaign and escape
Appius Claudius (surname Pulcher)
Aquila, Pontius
Arles colony
Armenian campaigns
Achillas and
Alexandrian Triumph and
Cleopatra’s ordered execution of
escape from Caesar of
exile of
kidnapping of
Nile campaign and
Ptolemy and
Attia (niece of Caesar)
Atticus, Titus
Augustus. See Octavian

Balbus, Lucius Cornelius
Balbus, Titus Ampius
Basilus, Munucius
Bassus, Lucillus
Batavian bodyguard
“Battered Helmet, The” (Schwarzkopf)
Beneventum region
Bibulus (son of Porcia)
Bibulus, Marcus Calpurnius
British Revolt
Brutus, Decimus
Brutus, Junius
Brutus, Marcus Junius
Caesar and
Caesar assassination and
Caesar’s assassination aftermath and
Cassius and
death of
family background of
Philippi battles and
as Urban Praetor
wife Porcia and
Brutus, Marcus Junius, Sr.
Bush, George H. W.

Caesar, Julius
African campaign of
Alexandrian prolonged conflict and. See Alexandria
Arsinoe and
assassination of
Batavian bodyguard of
battle formation of
betrayals of trust of
Brutus and
calendar of
clemency of
Cleopatra’s relationship with
Cleopatra’s son with. See Caesarion
Commentaries of. See Caesar’s Commentaries
as consul
corruption charges against
Deiotarus and
Dictator title of
on Egyptian army’s spirit
Egyptian fleet burning by
Egyptian royal family and
funeral of
good luck of
homosexuality rumor about
honors of
“I came, I saw, I conquered” dispatch of
Inner Harbor battle and
Jews and
memoirs of. See Caesar’s Commentaries
money and
mutinous troops and
naval operations and
night operations of
Nile campaign and
oratorical skills of
Parthian plans of
Pharnaces and
Pharos Island fighting and
Pompey and (see also civil war; Pharsalus, Battle of)
Pompey’s assassination and
Pompey’s property and
Pontic Triumph of
as primary source
prostitution policy of
Ptolemies and
reinforcements and
Roman imperial succession and
Roman political problems and
Roman Senate and
Roman traffic regulations of
Rubicon crossing by
6th Ferrata Legion and
Spanish campaign of
Triumphs of
two new legions of
wives and affairs of (see also subhead Cleopatra’s relationship with above)
Zela battle and
Caesar, Sextus
Caesar Augustus. See Octavian
Caesarion (son of Caesar and Cleopatra)
as king of Egypt
Caesar’s Commentaries
on Dyrrhachium battle
on Egyptian campaign
gaps in
Hirtius and
on Pharsalus battle
Caesius, Marcus
Caienus, Lucius
Calenus, Quintus Fufius
Caligula, Emperor
Calpurnia (wife of J. Caesar)
Calvinus, Gnaeus Domitius. See Domitius
camp followers
Cantabrian War
Canuleius, Gaius
Carrhae, Battle of
revenge for loss of
Casca, Gaius
Casca, Publius Servilius
Cassius, Gaius
as Brutus’s brother-in-law
Caesar’s assassination and
Caesar’s assassination aftermath and
Eastern campaign of
Philippi battles and
son’s coming-of-age party and
suicide of
Cassius, Lucius
reinforcements for Caesar and
Cassius Dio
on Alexandrian negotiations
on Caesar’s assassination
on Caesar’s Triumphs
Castor, Tarcondarius
Cato the Younger (Marcus Cato)
as Brutus’s father-in-law
Caesar’s African campaign and
on greed of senators
suicide of
cavalry troops
Cerialis, Petilius
Cicero, Marcus Tullius
advice to Cassius and Brutus of
Caesar and
Cilician Triumph of
daughter Tullia and
execution of
opposition to Antony of
as primary source
as provincial governor
Cilician Gates, Battle of the
Cilician Legions
Cilician Triumph
Cimber, Lucius Tillius
Cinna, Gaius Helvius
Cinna, Lucius Cornelius
Civilis, Julius
Civilis Revolt
civil war (49-45 B.C.)
Caesar’s generosity and
Dyrrhachium battle and
ending of
Gallic Triumph and
in modern context
6th Legion and
Spanish campaign of
troop discontent and
See also Pharsalus, Battle of
Claudianus, Marcus Livius Drusus
Claudius, Emperor
Cleopatra VII
Alexandrian fighting and
Alexandrian Triumph and
Alexandria negotiations and
Antony’s children with
Antony’s relationship with
Arsinoe and
Caesar’s assassination and
Caesar’s child with. See Caesarion
Caesar’s relationship with
charm and talents of
family politics and
instinct for survival of
kidnapping of
Octavian and
physical appearance of
Pompey family and
Roman leaders’ protection of
Roman visit of
as seductress
suicide of
Cleopatra Selene (daughter of Antony and Cleopatra)
Commagene campaign
Commentaries. See Caesar’s Commentaries
Corbulo, Gnaeus Domitius
Cornelia (wife of J. Caesar)
Cornelia (wife of Pompey)
Cornificius, Quintus
Crassus, Marcus Licinius
Crassus, Publius
Cremona, Battle of
Curio, Gaius
African defeat of

Deiotaran Legions
Cassius’s trapping of
Zela battle and
Dolabella, Lucius
Dolabella, Publius
death of
Domitian, Emperor
Nicopolis battle and
Pharnaces’s campaign against
reinforcements for Caesar and
Durrës (Dyrrhachium)
Dyrrhachium, Battle of

8th Legion
Caesar’s Gallic Triumph and
looting spree of
mutiny of
Pharsalus battle and
Spanish campaign and
11th Legion
18th Legion
Caesar’s plans for
as source of Caesar’s money
See also Alexandria; Cleopatra; Nile Delta, Battle of the; Ptolemy headings
Egyptian forces
Alexandria negotiations and
Alexandria siege and
Caesar’s abolishment of
esprit de corps of
fireboat use by
Ganymede’s command of
Inner Harbor battle and
Nile campaign and
Pharos Island fighting and
Pompey and
Ptolemy XIII and
small-boat tactics of
Elements (Euclid)
Ephesus Temple of Diana
Equestrian Order
Inner Harbor battle and
Evocati militia

1st Legion
escape from Caesar of
history of
Pharsalus battle and
Pompey family and
4th Macedonica Legion
Antony’s Grecian campaign and
history of
Pharsalus battle and
Philippi battles and
Scipio’s recruiting for
4th Scythica Legion
5th Legion
Caesar’s African campaign and
Munda battle and
14th Gemina Legion
Pharsalus battle and
under Triumvirate
15th Apollinaris Legion
Pharsalus battle and
Faberius, Quintus
Fango, Gaius Fificius
Faustus, Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Favonius, Marcus
Figilius, Gaius
Flaccus, Quintus Horatius. See Horace
Fufius. See Calenus, Quintus Fufius
Fulvia (wife of Antony)

Gabinius, Aulus
restoration of Ptolemy XII by
Galba, Emperor
Gallic Triumph
Gallic War
Gallus, Cestius
Alexandria causeway fighting and
Alexandria negotiations and
Alexandrian Triumph and
Arsinoe and
as Caesar’s prisoner
Caesar’s relief force and
Egyptian army and
Nile campaign and
Pharos Island fighting and
Gemina Legion. See 14th Gemina Legion
Germanicus Caesar
Great Library of Alexandria
Gulf War (1991)

Hadrian, Emperor
Herod the Great
Hirrus, Gaius Lucilius
Hirtius, Aulus
on Alexandrian events
as consul
on Nile campaign
on Zela battle
Holy Bible
Hyrcanus bar Alexander
Antigonus and
Antony and
Nile campaign and
Nile Delta battle and

Indigena Legion
Inner Harbor, Battle of
Isauricus, Publius Servilius

Jesus Christ, nativity of
Jewish Revolt
in Alexandria
Jews Camp, Battle of
on Cleopatra’s wickedness
Juba II
Julia (daughter of Caesar)
Julia (sister of Caesar)
Julian calendar
Junia (wife of Cassius)

Labeo, Antistius
Labicius, Lucius
Labienus, Quintus
Labienus, Titus Atius
death of
Pharsalus battle and
Laelius, Decimus
Laenas, Popilius
land disputes
banks of
battle formations of
camp layouts of
clothing of
equipment of
food of
fortification building and
looting by
marines and
Octavian’s disbandment of
origin of word
ranks of
reenlistment and
right wing placement of
slaves and
standard camp of
velites and
watch changes of
weapons of
See also specific legions by number
Legio Pontica. See Pontic Legion
Lentulus, Lucius Cornelius
Lepidus, Marcus
power grab by
in Second Triumvirate
Ligarius, Quintus
Lives of the Caesars (Suetonius)
Livia (wife of Tiberius Nero)
Longinus, Gaius Cassius
Lucullus, Lucius
Marcellus, Gaius Claudius
Marcus Aurelius, emperor of Rome
Marius, Gaius
Martia Legion
Mestrius, Lucius
military ranks/modern equivalents
Minicius, Gaius
Mithradates of Pergamum
Caesar’s reinforcements and
Mithradates the Great
monument to
Mithraism, symbols of
Modena, Battles of
Mount Gindarus, Battle of
Mucia (wife of Pompey)
Mucianus, Licinius
Munda, Battle of
10th Legion and
30th Legion and

9th Legion (later 9th Hispana Legion)
British Revolt and
Caesar’s Gallic Triumph and
disappearance of
Dyrrhachium battle and
looting spree of
mutiny of
Pharsalus battle and
Spanish campaign and
Napoleon Bonaparte
Nasidius, Lucius
Naso, Sextius
Nero, Emperor
Nero, Tiberius Claudius
Nicopolis, Battle of
chariots and
Niger, Gaius Pescennius
Nile campaign
Nile Delta, Battle of the
Nonius, Quintus
Numa Pompilius
Numisius, Gaius

Octavia (daughter of Antony)
Octavia (wife of Antony)
Octavian (later Augustus)
Antony and
army reforms of
Brutus’s death and
Caesar’s great-nephew
as Caesar’s heir
Cleopatra and
Grecian campaign of
Horace pardoned by
Juba II befriended by
land distribution and
Lepidus and
Philippi battles and
revolt fomented against
in Second Triumvirate
as sole Roman ruler
Old Camp, Battle of
Oppius, Gaius
Orodes II
Otho, Emperor

Paetus, Caessenius
Pannonian War
Pansa, Caius Vibius
Parthian campaign
Parthian Triumph
Patisuis, Quintus
Pelusium, storming of
Petreius, Marcus
Pharnaces II
Caesar’s campaign against
campaign against Domitius of
execution of
Nicopolis battle and
occupation of Pontus by
Zela battle and
Pharos Island fighting
Pharos Lighthouse of Alexandria
Pharsalus, Battle of
Brutus and
Caesar’s casualty list for
Domitius and
legions and
Pharnaces and
Gnaeus Pompey and
Phasaelus (son of Antipater)
Philippi, Battles of
Philippics (Cicero)
Philo of Alexandria
Phraates IV
Piso, Gnaeus Calpurnius
Piso, Lucius
Plaetorius, Gaius
Plancus, Lucius Munatius Marcus
Pliny the Younger
plunder. See looting
on assassination of Caesar
on Cleopatra’s charms
Pollio, Gaius Asinius
Pompeia (daughter of Pompey)
Pompeia (wife of Caesar)
Pompey, Gnaeus (son)
Cleopatra’s relationship with
killing of
Spanish campaign and
Pompey, Sextus (son)
execution of
fights Triumvirate
Spanish campaign and
Pompey the Great
assassination of
Caesar and (see also civil war: Pharsalus, Battle of)
Caesar’s African Triumph and
Gaius Cassius and
Dyrrhachium battle and
Egyptian ties of
end of dynasty of
legions and
physical appearance of
pirate threat and
Triumphs of
Pontic Legion
Nicopolis battle and
Pharnaces campaign and
Zela battle and
Pontic Triumph
Pontus, Battle of
Porcia (wife of Brutus)
secret conspiracy and
suicide of
execution of
Powell, Colin
Praetorian Guard
Octavian and
Second Triumvirate and
Singularion Horse and
primary sources
Priscus, Tyrennius
Ptolemy I
Ptolemy II
Ptolemy IX
Ptolemy XI
Ptolemy XII
Alexandria negotiations and
debt to Caesar of
Ephesus exile of
Ptolemy XIII
Alexandria fighting and
Alexandria negotiations and
Caesar and
Caesar’s kidnapping of
Caesar’s release of
Caesar’s relief force and
drowning of
Nile campaign and
Nile Delta battle and
Pompey’s assassination and
renewed campaign against Caesar by
Ptolemy XIV
death of
Roman visit of
Ptolemy XV. See Caesarion
Ptolemy (geographer)
Ptolemy (son of Antony and Cleopatra)
Ptolemy family
Pulcher, Appius Claudius. See Appius Claudius

Roman client-patron system
Roman Senate. See Senate
Romulus and Remus legend
Rubicon River
Rufus, Marcus Caelius
Ruga, Rubrius

2nd Adiutrix Legion
2nd Augusta Legion
2nd Parthicae Legion
6th Ferrata Legion
African Triumph and
Alexandria causeway fighting and
Alexandria fighting and
Alexandria negotiations and
Alexandrian Triumph and
Alexandria siege and
Antony and
Arles colony of
Armenian campaigns
Beneventum region and
Caesar’s assassination and
Caesar’s assassins and
Caesar’s awards to
Caesar’s dalliance and
as Caesar’s escorts
Caesar’s Triumphs and
civil war and
as Cleopatra’s guard
Cleopatra’s kidnapping and
Egyptian fighting and
emblem of
imperial postings of
Inner Harbor battle and
later history of
looting and
Nile campaign and
officers and duties of
Parthians and
Parthian Triumph and
Pharnaces campaign and
Pharos Island fighting and
Pharsalus battle and
Piso operation of
Pontic Triumph and
pursuit of Pompey by
retirement of
in Rome
Sarmatian Triumph and
Scipio and
Spanish campaign and
Spanish Triumph and
switch from Pompey to Caesar of
in Syria
Triumphs and
Vespasian’s accession and
Zela battle and
6th Victrix Legion
Caesar and
emblems of
imperial postings of
later history of
Octavian’s naming of
7th Galbiana Legion
7th Legion (later 7th Claudia Pia Fidelis)
Caesar’s assassination and
Caesar’s Gallic Triumph and
mutiny of
Pharsalus battle and
situation after Caesar of
17th Legion
Sarmatian campaign
Sarmatian Triumph
Satyricon (Petronius)
Schwarzkopf, Norman
elements of Sixth Legion and
suicide of
Second Jewish Revolt
Second Triumvirate
division of empire by
Octavian’s ending of
Septimius, Lucius
Sertorius, Marcus (father)
Sertorius, Marcus (son)
Sertorius, Publius
tombstone of
Sertorius, Quintus
Servilia (mother of Brutus)
Servilia (wife of Cicero)
Sestius, Publius
Severus, Emperor
Shakespeare, William
ship design
slave conscripts
Spanish campaign
Spanish Triumph
Spurius, Marcus

3rd Gallica Legion
10th Legion
Caesar’s African campaign and
Caesar’s Gallic Triumph and
mutiny of
Pharsalus battle and
Spanish campaign and
12th Fulminata Legion
13th Legion
20th Valeria Victrix Legion
2lst Rapax Legion
22nd Deiotariana Legion. See Deiotaran Legions
25th Legion
26th Legion
27th Legion
Alexandria campaign and
as Caesar reinforcements
Jews Camp battle and
Nile campaign and
28th Legion
African campaign and
Alexandria fighting and
Alexandria siege and
Egyptian campaign and
Inner Harbor battle and
Nile campaign and
Parthian operation and
pursuit of Pompey by
29th Legion
30th Legion
34th Legion
35th Legion
36th Legion
Cassius’s trapping of
causeway fighting and
Nicopolis battle and
Pharnaces campaign and
Pompey and
Trebonius and
Zela battle and
37th Legion
Alexandria siege and
as Caesar reinforcements
fighting as marines by
Inner Harbor battle and
Nile campaign and
Pharos Island fighting and
Tertia, Marcia
Tetarfenus, Gaius
Tetarfenus, Marcus
Tetarfenus, Quintus
Thapsus, Battle of
Cato suicide after
Faustus death after
6th Victrix Legion and
Theodotus (Ptolemy courtier)
Alexandria negotiations and
death of
Tiberius, Emperor
Titius, Marcus
Titus. See Vespasianus, Titus
traffic regulations
Trajan, Emperor
Trebellius, Aulus
Trebonius, Gaius
Triarius, Gaius Valerius
entertainments with
executions as climax to
honors associated with
paintings on wagons and
See also specific triumphs
Tullia (daughter of Cicero)
Tuscus, Sextus Caelius

Valeria Legion. See 20th Valeria Victrix Legion
Varus, Quintus Atius
Ventidius, Publius
execution of
Vespasian, Emperor
Vespasianus, Domitian
Vespasianus, Titus (father). See Vespasian, Emperor
Vespasianus, Titus (son)
Vinicianus, Caelius
Vitellius, Emperor

water supply

Zela, Battle of
Munda battle as parallel of
Pontic Triumph and