Adam used the gun as a prod, keeping the guard in front of him as he penetrated deeper and deeper into the Replacement Technologies lab system.
He walked down a dark corridor, opened another door, and followed a gently curving corridor that opened into …
Adam stopped, stunned.
He had found the Embryonic Tanks.
He stared. Each tank contained an adult-sized faceless human, floating in gel, like a giant embryo. He gazed at the nearest one. It had no features, no gender, no personality, no life, and, he was certain, no soul.
The guard knew what Adam was feeling. He almost felt pity for his captor.
“They’ll kill you for seeing this,” he said.
“They’re doing their best already,” Adam said, prodding the guard once more with the foosh gun. “Where’s Dr. Weir?”
* * *
Griffin Weir sat slumped at his desk with his head in his hands. He had come to his office not to work but to mourn. He hardly looked up as the security guard entered.
He waved a hand dismissively. “I know about the intruder,” he said. “Your office called. Everything’s under control.”
The security guard suddenly crumpled to the floor, unconscious.
“It’s not under control,” said Adam. Before Weir could respond, he was behind the desk and the gun was at the doctor’s temple.
“You had me cloned.”
Dr. Weir spoke slowly, without moving. The foosh gun was less than an inch from his head. And yet Adam had the distinct impression that he felt no fear, only resignation.
“You had to have my whatcha-call-it,” Adam said. “The thing in the RePet commercials.”
“Your syncording,” Dr. Weir said. “We had it.”
“Give it to me!” Adam said, prodding him to his feet with the foosh gun. “I want my life back.”
Dr. Weir crossed slowly to a wall shelf filled with disks in plastic cases. He pulled one and handed it to Adam.
“How did you get this?” Adam demanded. “I’ve never been…”
Dr. Weir pointed to a device on a corner table that Adam recognized immediately. It looked like a hood with cables attached.
“Of course,” Adam whispered. “The vision test!”
Dr. Weir nodded. “Only it didn’t test your vision. It took your syncording, a sample of DNA, and scanned your thumb. We had you on file, so to speak, so we could act quickly when we were told you were killed.”
“Told I was killed?” Adam prodded the doctor again with the business end of the foosh gun. “You’ve got ten seconds to tell me exactly what happened.”
“I’ll have to show you,” said Weir.
He pulled another syncording disk from the shelf and put it into the drive of a computer on his desk.
“This is Michael Drucker’s. You don’t become one of the world’s richest men without making enemies.”
Dr. Weir hit a key.
“We back up his mind religiously…”
The screen went white, then filled with a familiar image—the view from the inside of a Whispercraft.
Only it was from the backseat, Adam noticed. The passenger’s seat. It was Drucker’s point of view.
Hank was up front in the pilot’s seat. The bodyguard sat beside Drucker in the back. Outside, blowing snow obscured the trees as the Whispercraft landed near the mountain cabin.
Hank called back over his shoulder. “You own the Road Runners, right?”
“Among other things,” said Drucker. “You a fan?”
“I’m a fan of both your teams,” said Hank, as he shut the turbines down, slid the door open, and jumped out onto the snow.
“I’ll have to get you some tickets,” said Drucker as he prepared to follow.
Suddenly the door to the cabin burst open, and Tripp ran out, firing.
“Hey!” Hank yelled. He held up one hand, and buckled as he was hit once, twice—
Adam winced in pain as he watched his best friend die for the second—really, the first—time.
Drucker backed up, raising an arm into his line of vision. There was a flash of plasma from the muzzle of Tripp’s foosh gun, then a white light, and then nothing at all.
* * *
Adam stared at the blank screen, numb.
“Fundamentalists,” said Dr. Weir. “Killed everybody on board.”
“It should’ve been me,” said Adam.
“We thought it was you,” said Dr. Weir. “To resurrect Drucker, we had to cover up the incident.”
Adam walked back to the security guard and dragged him across the room to one of Dr. Weir’s large computer screens.
“Keep talking,” he said.
“We cloned everyone,” said Dr. Weir. “By the time we figured out you had switched places, it was too late.”
Adam used the security guard’s thumb to log onto Dr. Weir’s computer. He scrolled to the security screens.
“They’re trying to kill me,” he said to no one in particular.
“Because there are two Adam Gibsons,” said Dr. Weir. “That’s proof that human beings are being cloned. Which makes you very dangerous to Michael Drucker.”
Adam dug the earpiece out of the guard’s ear and inserted it into his own. He then started pulling off the guard’s clothes, meanwhile speaking over his shoulder to Dr. Weir.
“I don’t have much time. Tell me how that’s a threat to Drucker,” he said.
“Drucker was killed three years ago,” said Dr. Weir. “We cloned him then, and again yesterday.”
“So?” Adam started pulling on the guard’s pants.
“If that came out, Drucker would be destroyed. In every way.” Weir watched with curious calm as Adam pulled off his shirt and shoes and put on the guard’s. The shoes were a better fit than the shirt.
“A clone has no rights,” Dr. Weir explained. “A clone can’t own anything. Drucker would lose all this. He’d lose everything because Drucker would be legally dead.”
* * *
The central command post for the high security sector of Replacement Technologies was a Plexiglas fortress with a bank of video screens covering one wall.
It looks, Marshall thought, like a discount electronics store.
A guard worked the displays while Wiley and Marshall scanned the screens, along with Henderson, the duty officer.
“There!” the guard said. He pointed out a freeze-frame image of Adam, running down a curved corridor with a security guard hostage.
“That’s on tape,” growled Henderson. “We don’t need to see where he’s been. We need to find out where he is now.”
“Jesus,” Marshall mused. “We have cameras all over this…”
He suddenly broke off. Motioning for Wiley to follow him, he ran out the door.
The guard and the duty officer watched them leave, confused.
Wiley, stumbling, caught up with Marshall. “What’s up?”
Marshall, still sprinting, spoke back over his shoulder. “What area is so sensitive that we don’t allow cameras?”
Both men ran full tilt toward the Embryonic Tanks and the Main Lab.
* * *
Adam buttoned the guard’s jacket. It was tight, but passable. Just barely.
“Drucker will do anything,” said Dr. Weir. “Anything to destroy the evidence.” He paused for effect. “And you’re the evidence.”
Adam ejected Drucker’s syncording disk from the computer. “This is evidence too.”
He picked up a big, flat gas-plasma monitor from the desk, yanked out its plugs, and hoisted it to his shoulder.
With the foosh gun, he motioned toward the door.
“Let’s go.”
* * *
Adam held his gun in his pocket, covering Dr. Weir who walked a few steps ahead of him. He carried the monitor on his shoulder to hide his face from the security cameras positioned at strategic points in the corridor.
“How can you do it?” Adam asked. “How can you create these freaks of science for Drucker?”
“Clones are not freaks,” said Dr. Weir. “They’re human beings.”
“Except human beings are born,” said Adam. “Clones are cooked up in your lab.”
“It doesn’t matter. There’s no difference.”
“You can’t be sure of that.”
“Yes, I can,” said Weir. “My wife died today. She was the first. She really died five years ago. Cloning was the only way to save her.” He paused, staring at Adam.
Adam stared back.
“I could have saved her again today, but she wouldn’t let me. She truly believed that she somehow didn’t belong.”
They arrived at a freight elevator.
Adam nodded, and Weir pressed the button.
“Well, maybe she was right,” Adam said.
“No!” said Dr. Weir, his face twisted with anguish. “I respect her decision but I know for a fact that she was wrong. Whatever mystical thing it is that makes us human, whether it’s a soul that comes from God or a soul that we find in ourselves, the Catherine of the last five years had it every bit as much as the Catherine of before.”
Adam looked at Dr. Weir with new respect—or at least understanding. He was about to say something when the elevator arrived.
The door opened and Weir got in.
Adam followed, still holding the gun on him.
* * *
Marshall and Wiley ran full tilt down a long, curved corridor.
The light was on in Dr. Weir’s office.
They burst through the door, into the control room overlooking the Embryonic Tanks, but they were empty, except for the security guard, unconscious on the floor.
Damn! thought Marshall. Still one step ahead.
* * *
“Fine,” said Adam, as he and Dr. Weir stepped out of the elevator and started down a deserted corridor. “You loved your wife, but that doesn’t give you the right to play God.”
“Play God?” said Dr. Weir. “If saving lives is playing God, I’ve been playing God since I left medical school. And I plan to go on playing God!”
He turned to face Adam, his voice growing shrill. “We’ve saved hundreds of thousands with cloned organs, and there is no medical difference between saving someone by using a cloned heart and saving someone by cloning the person. Sometimes that’s the only way to save a life, and if that’s the only way, then that’s exactly what I’m going to do!”
Adam shook his head. “Doctor, if it’s all about saving lives, what about my life? You ruined my life. You created this thing that has taken my place. You keep cloning the killers who are coming after me.”
Dr. Weir’s anguish showed in his eyes. “Why do you think I’m telling you all this?” he asked. “It’s not because of the gun. It’s because I can do nothing to stop what they’re trying to do to you, and what they might do to your family.”
Adam was on him in an instant. He grabbed the doctor by the collar and lifted him almost off the floor.
“What about my family?”
“Drucker has to kill one of you,” said Dr. Weir. “If he can’t kill you, he’ll go for the other one. And your family could get killed in the process.”
Adam put him down. He pulled the syncording disk out of his pocket and waved it in Dr. Weir’s face.
“Tell him I have this. Tell him if he touches my family, I’ll use it!”