


A COOL BREEZE BRUSHED over Odessa’s heated skin. The early summer sun warmed her cheeks. She ran her hands over the green grass brushing against the blanket she lounged on. Next to her on the blanket her two year old daughter, Hyacinth’s giggles spread happiness within her soul. In the distance her five year old son, Elijah laughed as he chased his new puppy. Her life was perfect in every way and everything went much better than she could have hoped it would.

“There’s my beautiful girls.” Gavin plopped down beside her on the grass. He leaned over and kissed her cheek before glancing at Elijah running around the lawn. “Do you think that puppy will wear him out?”

“I hope so.” Odessa groaned. “He’s been quite lively for days. That puppy may just be our saving grace.”

She hadn’t been prepared for what was involved raising two small children. Other people in their class would have hired a governess by now, but she wanted to do as much as possible herself. Gavin had agreed. He’d missed out on so much from his parents when he was a boy. He refused to do the same with his own kids. He still had issues from time to time about his family curse, but for the most part he’d been able to let it go. Old habits were hard to break entirely, but each day that went by without incident was one more step to finally healing.

“I never imagined I could have this.”

“A family?” Odessa asked. “Love?” She shook her head. “Darling you need to stop doubting this. We’re good—they’re excellent. The curse isn’t real, and even if it was I wouldn’t let it take you from me. You’re mine now.”

Gavin pulled Odessa into his arms and nuzzled her neck, then pressed light kisses upward until he reached her lips. Once there he deepened the kiss and immediately desire flooded Odessa. It was always like this with them. One touch and her whole body lit up with need. He leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Maybe we should rethink that nanny decision.”

Odessa laughed. “Because you want some alone time with me?”

“More than anything...” Gavin kissed her again and all thoughts left her mind. “Say you want it too and I’ll make it happen.”


They really didn’t have a lot of options. There were servants of course but they had other duties to see to. Maybe it was time to hire a governess or a nanny—maybe both. Elijah was old enough to start learning his numbers and letters. Hyacinth could be rather demanding and it would be heaven to sleep the night through. The dear girl was still waking up in the middle of the night and it was driving Odessa mad.

“Well...” Gavin tickled her. “I was thinking they haven’t had an extended visit with their favorite uncle in a while.”

“You want to send them to Kingsbridge?” Odessa lifted a brow. “Killian might murder you. He has his hands full with Scarlett and Julian.”

Julian was Killian’s son and six months older than Elijah. Scarlett was eight weeks old and routinely giving them hell. She was fast becoming the newest hellion of the household. Odessa couldn’t be happier to pass on the title to her niece. That particular female was going to give her brother a hard time, and she couldn’t wait to watch it play out.

“You’re right of course,” Gavin agreed. “But wouldn’t it be fun to watch all the emotions that will cross his face. It would be worth it.”

“I think you have a death wish.” Odessa grinned at him. “I’d prefer you to remain breathing for the remainder of our days together.”

How had she managed to get so incredibly lucky? There was a time she didn’t believe they had a chance, but here they were together and nothing was going to pull them apart. She had an unbelievably good life and she didn’t see how it could ever be better than this moment.

“I suppose we should go wrestle that boy and put him down for a nap.”

“Who is this we you are speaking of?” She lifted a brow. “It’s your turn to catch him. I’m going to take little miss up to the house and lay her down. When you’re done with Elijah come find me.”

His gaze held an edge of heat in them that called to her. She sucked in a breath but didn’t hesitate from moving away from him. Good things came to the patient. Odessa planned on having something far better than good when she found her husband alone next. She’d even dare say they would be downright decadent if she had her way...

She carried Hyacinth up to the nursery and laid her down in her cradle. Her sweet baby face was so innocent in sleep. She leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Sleep well my angel.” At least for a couple hours... She slept better during the afternoon then she ever did at night.

Elijah’s wails reverberated through the halls. Gavin was going to have an interesting time putting him down for a nap. Their son would give in eventually. He had to be exhausted from playing with the puppy all afternoon. Odessa roamed out of the nursery and headed to their bedchamber. She started unlacing her dress in preparation for her afternoon nap with Gavin—not that much sleep would be involved.

Not much later Gavin entered the room and closed the door shut with a soft click. He leaned back against it as a sinful smile grew on his face. “Well, hello...”

“I’ve been waiting for you.” Her voice had a sultry hint to it. “These stays won’t take themselves off.” She turned her back to him and glanced over her shoulder.

“Madam.” His voice was husky. “I’m at your service.” He loosened her stays and slid them off of her then reached around and cupped her full breasts in her hands. “You’re so beautiful.”

Odessa leaned back against him letting her head fall into the crook of his shoulder. “Love me,” she whispered.

“Always,” he answered. “You’re my reason for everything and loving you is the one thing I can do without question. I’m so glad I set my fears aside and built a life with you. I promise I won’t let anything like that come between us ever again. It’s time to set that curse aside forever.”

“It’s about time.” Odessa spun around in his arms and leaned up to kiss him. “Maybe we can work on adding to our growing family.”

“I thought you’d never ask...”

After that no words were necessary. They had each other and that was all that mattered.