Looking for an adorable way to display your tiniest succulents? Look no further. Tiny terra cotta pots are the cutest way to show off your babies. Itty-bitty pots are charming in their own right, but when paired with darling little succulents, the cuteness factor is off the charts! Add magnets to the back of your pots to hang them on your fridge or around the house on other metal surfaces. These make an adorable gift for a teacher, neighbor, or friend.
Since your tiny pots don’t hold much soil, they need to be watered regularly. Water every few days or when you notice the soil is totally dry. Keep your little pots where they get bright, indirect sunlight if possible. If your pot magnets are on the fridge and your plants start to stretch toward the sun, simply remove the leggy plant and replace it with a new one. These containers are more of a novelty than a permanent home for growing succulents.
Get crafty with your kids by letting them paint some mini pots. They will love adding a touch of personalization and then seeing their little works of art hanging on the fridge!