Throughout the year, you may notice a lot of stores carry faux topiary balls to coincide with the different holidays. It’s easy to breathe new life into these artificial topiaries by attaching real succulents to them. You can add different colors, styles, or sizes of plants to take the faux arrangement up a notch. Topiary balls are fantastic year-round!
- Succulent Cuttings
- Floral Wire (22-gauge)
- Floral Tape
- Faux Topiary Ball (with foam center)
- Wrap the stems of your succulent cuttings with floral wire and leave a couple of inches of wire at the end. I’ve listed 22-gauge floral wire in the materials list, but use something thicker if the stems of your plants are thicker or if your foam ball is hard to penetrate.

- Wrap the succulent stems with floral tape. Start as close to the base of your plant as possible and wrap until you get to the end of the stem of your plant.

- Hold your cutting by the stem and insert the tip of the wire into the foam center of your topiary ball. If your succulent sticks out too far, cut the wire shorter and reinsert it into the foam ball. Make sure to sprinkle your succulents evenly throughout the topiary ball.

Keep your topiary out of harsh direct sunlight. When your plants begin to wither, remove them from the topiary, remove the floral tape and wire, and plant them in well-draining soil.