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Read the tornado safety information carefully (have your parents read it, too!).
You will learn everything you need to know there, but here are some especially important tips:
• Be aware of the weather, especially if you live in a tornado-prone area and during the spring and summer, when most tornadoes strike.
• If the weather looks stormy, look and listen for weather alerts on TV, a reliable weather website, or a local radio station.
• Take tornado watches and warnings seriously. If you are urged to take shelter, do it immediately.
• Go inside if there is danger of a tornado (there is really no safe place outdoors in a tornado).
• Stay away from windows and do not open them.
• The safest place in a building is a basement. If there is no basement, take shelter in an interior room on the building’s lowest level, away from corners, windows, doors, and outside walls. Try to get under a very heavy table or desk. Cover your head with your hands to protect yourself from flying debris.
• Cars and trucks are not ever safe in a tornado. But if you are caught (as Dex was), buckle your seat belt and cover your head with your hands.
• If you are taking shelter at home, put on a bike or ski helmet. This might sound silly, but storm chasers wear them when there is danger of flying debris.