
Six years later

“So Jesus fed five thousand with just that one little boy’s lunch.” Lovejoy folded her hands. “Uncle Paul’s gonna pray; then you young’uns scamper off to bed.”

After Paul said the prayer, the cabin burst into a flurry of nighttime hugs and kisses. The Chance clan now boasted a full dozen children, and Miriam, Alisa, and Delilah all blossomed with the promise of another babe apiece in the coming months.

Lovejoy nuzzled a kiss on Miriam’s youngest toddler’s cheek then laughed as Bryce and Logan loaded up kids to piggyback them off to their cabins.

Delilah stood next to Lovejoy and said, “I read a verse this morning that fits you.”

“Oh, what is it?”

Delilah smiled. “Psalm 133:9—‘He maketh the barren woman to keep house, and to be a joyful mother of children. Praise ye the Lord.’ Your hands have caught all of these kids, and you add so much to their lives. I’m praising God for you.”

“Now wasn’t that jist the best verse I ever heard? Thankee, Delilah.” Lovejoy gave her a hug.

After they tucked Polly and Ginny Mae into bed, Daniel gathered his wife into his arms. “I was watching you again this evening, and something struck me anew.”

She hugged him back. “What was that?”

“Your name—how fitting it is. You brought love and joy back into my life.”

She stood on tiptoe. “Praise ye the Lord.”