The next night, Red and I were back in my basement playing Xbox. This time, Red had the MacBook and was refreshing the team page as often as the Internet would let him.
Yeah, we already knew we’d made the team, but we still wanted to see our names on the roster.
“It’s up!” he shouted. He grabbed the laptop, dove off his chair, and slid across the carpet.
I read the screen:
The following individuals have been selected to play for Clifton United, Fall Ball Season I.
I scrolled down.
1. Khalil Ahmed
2. Wilfredo Benítez
3. Blake Daniels
“Bam!” Red kicked the carpet.
4. Mikey Flynn
5. Leslie Holmes
6. Mason Irving
“Boo-yah!” I leaped onto the sofa.
Red jumped next to me. “We’re playing basketball,” he sang.
“We love that basketball!” we sang, and danced.