AFA - Anti-Fascist Action

ALF - Animal Liberation Front

ANL - Anti-Nazi League

AWB - Afrikaner Resistance Movement (Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging)

B&H - Blood and Honor

BM - British Movement

BNP - British National Party

BUF - British Union of Fascists

CND - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

DMs - Doc Martens

GBH - Grievous Bodily Harm (A criminal charge in the UK. Equivalent to Assault and Battery up to Attempted Murder.)

ICF - Inter-City Firm (A West Hampstead football supporters gang)

NF - National Front

RAR - Rock Against Racism

IFL - International Fascists League

NS - National Socialist

RAC (sometimes R.A.C.) - Rock Against Communism

RASH - Red and Anarchist Skinheads

SHARP - Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice

SUS - Early 1800s law allowing British police to stop any person at any time if they were ‘suspect.’

SWP - Socialist Workers Party

UDA - Ulster Defense Association

UFF - Ulster Freedom Fighters

WAR - White Aryan Resistance (U.S.)

YNF - Young National Front

ZOG - Zionist Occupation Government

Teds - Edwardians, Rockabilly music fans