Chapter 4

Dear Sunshine,

I’ve made a mess of everything. I’m sad and alone and tired of trying, and you’re not here. But you never really were, were you?

The doctors say there’s something wrong with the way my brain works. They want to analyze my thoughts, study me like a rat in a cage with a cube of cheese at the end of a maze. I told them that maybe, in a previous life, the doctors drilled a hole in my head for the spirits to escape and it never quite healed. They weren’t convinced.

They say they’re going to make me better. The funny thing is, you were the only one who could have fixed me. But you didn’t, did you?

I have to know, why didn’t you care? Didn’t anyone ever teach you how to love another person? Please, tell me what happened that made you this way. Then maybe I’ll be able to understand. I need to understand in order to get better. I need so desperately to get better.
