By the time she reached Lexi’s cottage, it was obvious to Bella that Betty was wrong. The news of Megan’s secret visit was already local knowledge. Bella groaned, noticing several faces she recognised, milling about, trying to look as if they were supposed to be walking up and down the hill near to the cottages.
It didn’t take her long to discover that Lexi also knew.
‘Bugger off,’ Lexi bellowed, hands on hips, glaring at two men who seemed to be taking multiple photos with expensive looking cameras. More people seemed to be arriving by the minute, stopping to hang around to get a glimpse of Megan. ‘She’s not coming out,’ Lexi added. ‘So, there’s no point in waiting.’ Spotting Bella, she waved frantically at her. ‘Come inside.’
Bella apologised as she gently elbowed her way through the throng outside the cottage. ‘Excuse me. Nothing to see here,’ she said, turning to face the crowd from the front door. ‘It’s freezing, so you may as well go home. Or,’ she said, spotting one of the photographers shivering in an anorak that had seen better days. ‘You could go to the café down on the boardwalk. Summer Sundaes, it’s called, on the right-hand side. Why not warm yourselves up with a coffee and something to eat.’
She saw him nodding and whispering to the woman next to him and left them to it. As soon as she was inside, Bella closed the door and leant against it. ‘They’re keen, aren’t they?’
‘These bloody paparazzi blokes, they’ve been here since I woke up. I hate to think of the pictures they’ve got of me looking harassed.’
‘Maybe they won’t use any of them,’ Bella said trying her best to placate her friend.
‘Yes, well I hope you’re right.’
Bella followed Lexi through to the living area where a sulky Megan was slumped on one of the chairs. ‘She’s told you then?’
‘What? That I’m bloody stuck here for at least the next twenty-four hours? What do you think?’ She flicked her hair over her shoulder.
Bella sat on the arm of Lexi’s chair. If Megan’s intention of treating her stay in the village as a mini break had already worn off, then she’d need to find some way of keeping the girl entertained. ‘It doesn’t have to be that bad,’ she said, hurriedly trying to think of something soothing to say. ‘You must be exhausted from all the interviews since you won that competition. Why not make the most of a couple of days’ peace and quiet? It’ll all start up again once the magazine crew arrive for the photo shoot and interview.’
‘Yeah, she’s right,’ Lexi said, mouthing a thank you at Bella.
Bella could only imagine how much of a drama queen Megan had been since realising she was stuck on the island.
‘No,’ Megan shouted. ‘She’s wrong. What if someone else grabs the attention of the papers while I’m here? They’re only after the latest fad and I happen to be the focus of their attention at this moment in time. Or, I was, until I was persuaded to come here.’ She stormed out of the room, slamming the door loudly and stomped upstairs.
‘That went better than I’d expected,’ Bella joked, wishing as much as Megan that the fog hadn’t descended. So much for Megan’s vulnerability from the night before. It was as if she was two people.
‘I can see what she means,’ Lexi said, standing up. She dried two coffee cups and put them away. ‘She hasn’t eaten anything much since she got here. I really think this is stressing her out in a big way.’
Bella hated seeing anyone in distress, but couldn’t think how to help. ‘Has she spoken to her manager yet?’
‘About a hundred and fifty times,’ Lexi groaned, hanging the tea towel over the handle on the front of the oven, which looked like it had never been used. ‘She’s on her way over on the next ferry, but she won’t get here until tomorrow morning.’
‘Is she bringing the magazine crew over with her?’
‘I don’t think so. Apparently, they want to fly in and out of the island on the same day, so will wait for the fog to lift.’ She wiped the worktops. ‘Do you think it’s going to be here for the next few days?’
Bella wasn’t sure whether Lexi hoped the fog would be one of the three-day visitations that the island occasionally experienced, so that she could earn more from Megan’s stay, or whether she wanted her gone as soon as possible.
‘Who knows?’ she said. ‘We’re going to have to find a way to entertain her though. She’ll go stir crazy if she’s stuck inside all day.’
‘She’s not the only one,’ Lexi said. ‘But I daren’t leave her, not if I’m being paid to take care of her.’
‘We need to get her out for a walk. It might lift her spirits to do something. She’ll also feel better if she eats, I know that works for me. Although with me, it’s usually chocolate that cheers me up the best.’
Lexi laughed and instantly covered her mouth. ‘Stop it,’ she said, glancing up at the ceiling. ‘I don’t want her to think we’re laughing about her.’
Neither did Bella. ‘We’d never be that nasty.’
‘She doesn’t know us well enough to realise that,’ Lexi said. ‘What can we suggest? There are paps outside, waiting for her to come out so they can take photos.’
Bella thought for a moment. ‘I know,’ she said, an idea developing in her mind. She thought it through quickly, hoping her plan would work. ‘I can ask my mum and Jack’s Aunt Rosie to come here. Then you and Megan can swap coats and hats with them and leave.’
‘Okay, well, so far this makes no sense at all,’ Lexi grinned. ‘Go on.’
‘Mum and Rosie can pretend to be you and Megan, so that you two can leave.’
Lexi frowned. ‘I can’t see how this will help Megan.’
‘We need to all act a little suspiciously, as if we’re trying to fool the paps, but not so well that they are fooled. We want them to follow Megan and you.’ Bella wasn’t certain it was the best idea either, but it was worth a try.
‘What about you?’
‘I’ll follow you outside with Jack.’
‘Go on.’
‘Stop frowning,’ Bella giggled. ‘This will make sense in a minute. Right, so Mum and Rosie pretend to be a diversion, but they get into your car before we speed off with Jack and Megan. We’ll drive off, leading the paps on a bit of a goose chase. Then, when we get a little ahead of them, we drop Jack and Megan off for a romantic walk on the beach. They take their photos, Megan isn’t forgotten, and we haven’t told anyone she’s staying here in the village.’
Lexi thought for a moment, a smile slowly widening on her face. ‘It sort of sounds like it could work. Why not? It’s not as if we have anything else to do.’
‘If nothing else, it’ll give us something to think about until the fog has gone.’ Bella’s relief vanished.
‘What’s the matter?’
‘My mother doesn’t have a mobile and I don’t have Rosie’s number.’
‘Call Jack, he should know how to contact his aunt.’
She phoned him, her stomach doing its usual involuntary flip when she heard the sound of his deep voice. ‘Hi Jack, can you get hold of your aunt and persuade her to come with my mum up to the cottage? We need them here as soon as possible. And you. Lexi and I have a clever plan.’
‘I’m intrigued,’ he said. ‘No problem. Leave it with me.’
‘Thanks, Jack,’ she said, ending the call. Sensing that Lexi was watching her, she looked over at her and grinned. ‘He’s going to find them for us.’
‘Of course he is,’ Lexi said, shaking her head slowly.
Bella frowned as she slipped her phone into her back pocket. ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
‘I’m saying nothing,’ Lexi said, taking her jacket from where it hung on a peg in the hall and removing her phone from a pocket.
‘You’re insinuating something though. What?’
Lexi smiled. ‘It’s just that your voice always changes when you’re talking to Jack.’
‘It does not!’ Does it? Bella hoped Lexi was wrong.
Lexi flicked a strand of Bella’s dark hair. ‘I’m only teasing, but it is true. Anyway, why are you so worried about it? You like him. He’s single, supposedly. I’m sure he has a thing for you, too.’
Wishing her friend was right, but knowing she wasn’t, Bella argued, ‘That’s where you’re wrong. He sees us as just friends. Anyway, until he gets Nicki well and truly out of his life, I’m staying that way.’
‘You know this to be a fact, I suppose?’
Bella sighed heavily. ‘Yes.’
Lexi frowned. ‘Oh, sorry, Bella.’
Twenty minutes later, there was a rapid rap on the front door and Lexi rushed through. ‘Those bloody paps, I wish they’d go away.’ A second later, she said, ‘Oh, it’s you. Quick, come in.’
Bella peered into the small hallway to see who had arrived. Spotting Jack’s messy fair hair, she automatically pushed her hands through her own hair. What’s wrong with me? she mused. She really needed to give herself a good talking to. This infatuation with him had gone on too long and was driving her mad.
Her mother walked into the living room, closely followed by Rosie and then Jack and Lexi.
Her mother winked at her as she walked past. ‘We’re looking forward to getting involved in your plan.’
‘Thanks, that’s good of you.’ She hugged her mum. ‘You’re freezing. Your jacket is far too light for this weather. I’ll lend you one of mine.’ It dawned on her that either Lexi or Megan were going to have to wear the thin jacket when they went out. ‘I wish I’d thought to give you one earlier.’
‘Me, too,’ Lexi laughed, looking at Aunt Rosie’s glamorous puffa coat. ‘I can’t expect my guest to get cold.’
‘Sorry, I didn’t expect to be swapping clothes when I came out this morning,’ Claire said, smiling. ‘You can wear a scarf under the jacket and some gloves, that should help relieve the cold a bit.’
Bella explained her idea to them.
‘What?’ Jack frowned. ‘Why am I going to go on a romantic stroll with her?’
‘Are you worried Nicki will find out?’
He shook his head. ‘No, why?’
‘Nothing,’ Lexi said, looking shame-faced. ‘It has to be you because you’re tall and hunky and she thinks you’re hot,’ she explained. ‘And they’re not going to be interested in pictures of her with us.’
Bella was glad Lexi had been the one to explain the reasoning to Jack. ‘I’ll try to persuade Megan to go out, while you four work out where we should drive to.’
She walked upstairs to Megan’s room and knocked on the door. ‘Only me,’ she said when she’d received a sullen invitation to enter. She took a deep breath and explained their proposition to the reclining girl. ‘You never know, you might quite like it here.’
Megan’s gaze rose from her mobile screen slowly until she was eye-to-eye with Bella. ‘You think so?’
‘Fine,’ said Bella, not in the mood to waste her time with someone who had no intention of helping themselves. ‘You stay up here and wallow. I’ll go home and get on with some work.’
She turned to leave the room and Megan sat up. ‘Wait, please. Sorry, I don’t mean to be a cow, but I can’t help panicking that they’re going to forget me.’
‘Then let’s give them something to write about, shall we?’ Bella said, as it occurred to her that the girl was genuinely frightened. She probably thought that her career was already over, and, thought Bella, it just might be. Determined to help, she said, ‘We thought we could pretend we’re trying to sneak out, but let them follow. If it works, then you might get photos in the papers to remind your fans you’re still around. If not, then at least we’ve all done something to alleviate the boredom of hanging around until this fog lifts and your shoot can get underway.’
Alert to the idea, Megan looked excited for the first time since her arrival. ‘Ok. We can give them a bit of a runaround and let them take some pictures.’
Relieved Megan had thought of the same idea, Bella continued, ‘Why not? It should be fun.’ She smiled. ‘Let’s go down and tell the others, shall we?’
‘I love it,’ Aunt Rosie said, pretending she hadn’t been told the plan only minutes earlier. Bella wasn’t surprised by her reaction. Jack’s aunt had always enjoyed a bit of intrigue. Rosie was the most glamorous person she’d ever met and was apparently having a secret romance with a gorgeous actor who had been to the island a few times recently.
‘Great,’ Bella said, enthused as the plan progressed and they discussed it further.
‘Are you certain you need me?’ Jack asked, turning to leave.
‘Yes,’ Megan shouted, grabbing his arm and pulling him back into the room. ‘You’re my secret dalliance.’
He looked at her and grimaced. ‘I’m not the only bloke living in the village, why not ask someone else?’
Bella couldn’t help being amused by his disdain for the idea. ‘Because you’re here now and we don’t have time to waste.’
‘But I have things to do.’
‘Like what?’ Aunt Rosie asked. ‘Come along. You’re a hunk of a man and exactly what these celeb mags will want to write about. It makes perfect sense.’
‘It does?’
‘Yes,’ Rosie, Bella and Lexi chorused.
‘And I won’t have to swap coats with you, Mum,’ Bella teased. She looked at Lexi. ‘Do you have a spare jacket Mum could borrow for today?’
‘I’ll go and get it.’
Ten minutes later, they were ready. Bella and Megan had swapped jackets and Megan wore one of Bella’s bobble hats, while Bella wore one of Lexi’s.
‘Right,’ Bella said. ‘Mum and Rosie, we’ll leave first. Let’s go out of the back door. Make sure they see you, but act as if you’re trying to be incognito.’
It was difficult not to show her amusement as she hurried out with the two older women, heads down as they hurried along the path in front of the cottages.
‘Hey, ladies!’ one of the paps shouted. ‘Give us a smile, won’t you? It’s nippy as all bollocks out here.’
Claire held her hand up. ‘No photos,’ she said, putting her arm around Bella, as Rosie did the same. They marched off up the hill towards the park across the road.
‘What are they doing?’ Bella whispered.
‘Two of them are taking photos,’ Rosie giggled.
Bella glanced back at the cottage and noticed Jack, leading Lexi and Megan from behind the cottages.
‘What’s happening?’ her mum asked quietly. ‘Can you see if they’ve seen the others yet?’
‘Not sure.’
Just at that moment the paps behind them stopped snapping pictures. One yelled, ‘Hey, wait!’ pointing at Jack and the girls, and they all turned to run after them.
Lexi unlocked her car and she, Megan and Jack, scrambled in, laughing. They drove a few yards, to where Bella, Claire and Rosie were waiting, and once they were all in the car they continued up the hill.
‘Do you think they’ll follow?’ Megan asked, her pretty face beaming for once.
Bella turned to look. ‘Yes, there are two hire cars after us. Great. Put your foot down, Lexi. Let’s at least try to appear as if we’re trying to lose them.’
‘I’m not going over the forty miles per hour limit,’ Lexi said.
‘Goody two-shoes,’ Jack teased.
‘You can walk if you don’t like it.’
‘Nah, you’re all right.’ Jack laughed, turning to look out of the back window at the convoy behind them. ‘This is fun. Where shall we take them?’
‘I think we’ll make the most of the country lanes. We want them to get lost but not lose us.’ Lexi changed gear and turned left.
Bella undid her window slightly to let more air into the stuffy car. Lexi’s old banger was useful for lots of things, but she was aware that she needed to buy a van at some point and stop asking to borrow this vehicle. She looked out of the back window. ‘They’re still with us.’
‘Good,’ Lexi said. ‘Time for a little lane manoeuvring.’
‘This is great fun, thanks everyone,’ Megan said. Bella noticed that her hand was on Jack’s knee. ‘We can’t drive forever, though. I think we need to stop at some point and Jack and I should go for a bit of a walk. Give them something to write about.’
Bella had to agree. ‘You’re right. This is only going to keep them interested for so long. Where should we drop you off? Jack, any ideas?’
He rubbed his chin thoughtfully, and seemed to notice the placement of Megan’s hand for the first time. ‘We need to be dropped off quick enough for you to then drive on, but take long enough that they see where we are and take the bait,’ he said. ‘How about somewhere along the cliff paths?’
Megan gave a little squeak of horror.
Bella smiled at her. ‘It’s okay, we won’t expect you to go anywhere dangerous, or muddy,’ she added, knowing Megan didn’t have the right footwear for such terrain.
‘It’s foggy, of course, so you can’t be too far in front of them or they won’t get the photos,’ Rosie said.
‘Everywhere’s going to be foggy today,’ Claire laughed. ‘How about The Esplanade?’
‘No, that’s too open and anyone driving past can see them,’ Bella said, trying to think.
‘It needs to be a fairly open stretch,’ Jack argued. ‘How about the pier at La Rocque harbour? It’s not too long, but a picturesque background for any photos with that Victorian house behind.’
‘Perfect.’ Bella nodded, screeching as Lexi took a sudden right and Jack, Megan and Claire fell against her, pushing her against the car door. ‘Take it easy, Lexi. This isn’t an episode of Line of Duty you know.
‘I wish it was,’ Lexi said. ‘I really fancy that Martin Compston.’
‘Can you just concentrate on your driving, please,’ Aunt Rosie said. She was a fine one to criticise, Bella thought. Her driving was the most erratic of anyone she knew. Many times, she’d seen Rosie racing past the turn off to the boardwalk in her red sports car without a care in the world for anyone else.
Eventually, after several sets of road work traffic light stops, which ensured the paps’ cars kept up with them, Lexi drove down Gorey hill and along the coast to La Rocque. She stopped in one of the parking spaces just before the start of the peaceful pier. ‘Get out here and we’ll circle back to meet you here again.’
Jack stepped out of the car, glanced briefly at Bella, and got out. ‘Why don’t we finish our walk along the beach and meet you at Green Island? It’ll look a bit more authentic if we’re actually aiming for somewhere.’
‘Good idea,’ Lexi said. ‘If you take too long, we’ll go inside the café to wait for you.’
He made a point of looking around him, pretending to check that no one was around to see them, then leaning in, took Megan’s hand and helped her out.
‘Good luck,’ Bella and Lexi shouted, before the car moved off. ‘Don’t go too far in front of them, remember. We don’t want you two disappearing into the fog, or all this will have been for nothing.’
Bella looked back out of the rear window as they drove off. Jack had his arm around Megan’s shoulders and she had an arm around his waist. Her heart sank, seeing how perfect they looked together. Stop it, she scolded herself. He was only playing a part. He was doing it well though. Megan seemed happier than she had ever seen her before. Bella didn’t blame her.
Assuming it would take the couple about twenty minutes to half an hour, depending on how slowly they walked, they continued along the coast, pulling into the car park at Green Island to wait. They sat quietly in the car for a few minutes, each lost in their own thoughts as the wind whipped up the sand on the small beach between the car park and the small island. It was mostly shrouded in fog and would be cut off from the rest of the island at the next high tide.
‘Why don’t we all get out and stretch our legs?’ Bella suggested.
‘Good idea,’ laughed Claire. ‘I don’t know about you two, but I could do with a bit of fresh air after Lexi’s driving.’
Lexi giggled. ‘Cheek. If you weren’t Bella’s mum, I’d make you walk home.’
‘What, all the way to the boardwalk?’
Bella smiled and zipped up her jacket. ‘Come on. Let’s go before they get back and we have to continue with our charade.’ Without waiting for them to sort themselves out, she got out of the car, pulling her bobble hat down over her ears. Taking a pair of ever present gloves from her pocket, she slipped them on. She breathed in the fresh sea air and felt the tenseness in her shoulders dissipate. She could hear Lexi, Rosie and her mum chatting and laughing as they got out of the car.
‘Let’s go then,’ Claire said, walking up to her and linking her arm through Bella’s.
They walked down the slipway onto the fine, pale gold sand, the sight of which never failed to relax Bella. Hearing the other two following behind them, she squeezed her mum’s arm gently and said, ‘I’m loving having you back here on the island.’
‘Are you?’ Claire asked, seeming genuinely surprised.
‘Yes, very much. I wish you’d consider staying here for good, but I know that won’t happen.’
They walked on for a few paces. ‘Maybe you’re enjoying it so much because you know it won’t last,’ Claire said thoughtfully.
Bella stopped, hurt by her mother’s words. ‘That’s a dreadful thing to say.’
‘Is it?’
‘Yes.’ Was it, though? she thought, as they carried on walking. Maybe her mum was right. It was easier to make the most of someone if you knew there was going to be an end to it shortly. She considered her mum’s words. No, she wasn’t. ‘You’re wrong. It is wonderful getting to know you again. Properly. If you go again, then fine, I’ll understand. If you ever did settle here, I really would love having you around all the time. Honestly.’
Claire pulled her to a stop and kissed her on the cheek. ‘Gosh, your face is cold,’ she said, placing her hand on it briefly. ‘I suppose mine must be too.’
Bella laughed. ‘You must be frozen after being in Sri Lanka for so long. How are you coping with this miserable weather?’
‘I don’t mind it at all,’ Claire said, reaching down to pick up a small bit of worn driftwood. ‘I thought I’d hate it, to be honest. I expected to miss Sri Lanka dreadfully, but, I don’t know, maybe the time is just right for me to have come back here.’
Bella didn’t want to raise her hopes, or make her mother feel pressured, but couldn’t help asking, ‘Would you seriously consider coming back here to stay, do you think? I mean, travelling is all you’ve really done since you were eighteen.’
A small Jack Russell ran past, chasing a ball. They waved at the owner who seemed to be looking for him, and Bella pointed in the direction of the little dog.
‘I would,’ Claire said, quietly.
Bella wasn’t sure whether to take that as a definite prospect, so dropped the subject. ‘It’s eerie here today, but I love it. It’s not often I’ve been down here in such thick fog.’
‘I don’t recall ever doing so,’ her mum said.
Bella spotted two distant figures through the mist. Judging by the height and broad shoulders of the taller one, and the petite person next to him, it must be Jack and Megan.
‘Do you think that’s them?’ she said, almost certain it was when they got closer.
They stopped walking, watching in silence as Jack appeared to take Megan in his arms and kiss her. Bella gave an involuntary gasp, immediately furious with herself for doing so.
‘He’s only acting, remember,’ her mum whispered.
‘It’s fine,’ Bella said, forcing a smile. ‘I’m just being foolish.’ They began making their way to the car. ‘I hope the paps got their photo.’
Her mother didn’t reply for a little while, then broke the silence by saying, ‘It’s fine to be upset, seeing the man you love kissing someone else.’
‘It’s not. There’s nothing between us, and don’t forget Nicki is still on the scene, whatever Jack says. Please don’t tell anyone about Nicki’s wedding plan.’
‘You know I won’t.’
‘Not even Rosie,’ Bella said, aware that her mother’s idea of keeping a confidence was a little looser than her own. ‘You know how she loves to try and make things happen between people. She’s a right matchmaker, given half the chance.’ She thought for a moment. ‘You probably are, too.’
‘A little. But I can’t help it if I’m a romantic at heart.’ She nudged Bella playfully. ‘I won’t say a word to her, or anyone else, I promise.’
Comforted by her reassurance, Bella shivered. ‘They must be frozen by now. Poor Megan really feels the cold.’
‘Jack probably won’t even notice,’ laughed her mother.
‘You’re right. He loves nothing better than being in the sea and that’s bitterly cold most of the time.’
They reached the car to find Lexi and Rosie already sitting inside, chatting.
‘You two didn’t last long out there,’ Bella laughed, relieved they hadn’t seen her reaction to Jack and Megan on the beach. ‘Did you even go for a walk?’ she asked, getting inside.
‘We reached the bottom of the slipway and decided that was enough for the day,’ Rosie said.
‘I wanted to go into the café, like we agreed, but Rosie insists we won’t have enough time to order anything, much less drink it.’
‘She has a point,’ Bella agreed.
‘She was the one who wanted to get back to the car,’ Lexi giggled. ‘But I didn’t take much persuasion.’
They heard Jack shouting and pointing his finger at someone behind him, before running to the car, pulling Megan along behind him.
‘Hurry, get in,’ he said, holding the door open for her. ‘And you two, leave us the hell alone, or I’ll report you.’
He got in with them. ‘Better drive on, Lexi,’ he said, laughing, slightly out of breath. ‘I think they took that seriously enough, don’t you?’
Megan giggled. Her rosy cheeks suited her. ‘That was the best fun. You’re an awesome kisser, Jack Collins,’ she said, pouting at him.
Jack cleared his throat. ‘Er, thanks.’
‘Do you think they got their photos?’ Rosie asked. ‘Or will we have to take you somewhere else for another try.’
‘Ooh, yes please,’ Megan said, gazing up at Jack through her false eyelashes.
Jack smiled at Rosie, then Megan. ‘I think they got all they needed. We should go back to the cottage now. Or, maybe Sacha’s for a hot drink. Megan must be frozen.’
‘I am a bit,’ she said. ‘Though I didn’t notice when we were on the beach and you had your arm around my shoulders.’
‘Look, there they are,’ Bella said, hoping to change the subject. She pointed to the two red-faced photographers running up the beach, still taking photos of them in the car. ‘Quick, Jack, pretend to shield Megan from them.’
Megan giggled. ‘I’m loving this. Who knew Jersey could be so much fun.’
‘Sacha’s it is then,’ Lexi said, putting her foot down and leaving the car park, only just missing the first hire car as it stopped to collect the photographers.
‘I think they were a bit lost,’ Rosie laughed. ‘Good.’
They pulled out onto the road. ‘I think we’ve given them enough to keep them busy,’ Bella said, satisfied that her plan had worked. ‘Let’s get back to the boardwalk, and this time don’t let them follow.’
‘You can take your time, if you like though,’ Megan said sweetly, resting her head on Jack’s chest.
He gave Bella an alarmed grimace over Megan’s head. ‘No, I think we need to get back. I’ve got things to do.’
‘Oh? Like what?’
‘Um, I have a thing.’ He frowned at Bella. ‘You know, Bella. That thing we were arranging?’
Bella thought frantically of something she could use to get him out of his predicament. ‘You mean planning the beach party for bonfire night?’
Jack beamed at her and her heart contracted. ‘Yes, that. You remember, Aunt Rosie? I was telling you all about the silent fireworks I’d ordered, so that none of the pets get frightened on the night.’
‘Ah yes, of course. Haven’t you organised that yet? It’s only five days away, Jack.’
‘It’s for the locals in the village and anyone else who wants to come,’ Bella explained to Megan. ‘Word of mouth is all we need. On our grapevine, that should take about ten minutes.’
‘Judging by the amount of people outside the cottages this morning, I can see that you’re not exaggerating,’ said Megan. ‘The party sounds fun.’ Her voice turned sulky. ‘I wish I could come along.’
‘You might still be here, if this bloody fog doesn’t lift before then,’ Lexi said. ‘I mean, I’m sure it will, but you know, if it doesn’t.’
They drove in silence for a few minutes, until Megan broke it saying, ‘It’s Halloween, I’d forgotten. Are there any parties nearby that we could go to?’
Jack sighed. ‘Not elaborate ones,’ he said. ‘My sister and her boyfriend are holding a get-together at the café this evening, and there’ll probably be the usual kids trick or treating around the boardwalk.’
‘Will you sit with me at the cottage to make sure they don’t bother me?’ Megan was all smiles again.
Bella only just withheld a groan. ‘Lexi and I could do that. Jack will need to be at the café, as will we for some of the time, at least.’
‘Yes, and Nicki will probably be after me again,’ he said, almost to himself. ‘She should be returning to London soon.’
Bella thought he sounded hopeful about Nicki’s departure, or was that just wishful thinking? She wondered what Nicki would do when she found out about their outing today. How would she react to the photos if they did appear in the papers, showing Jack and Megan walking alone together? Her thoughts turned to the teenage kiss she’d shared with Jack at a beach party, and she wondered what it would be like to kiss him now. He had kissed her once when she was seventeen and he was nineteen after a boozy beach party, infuriating Sacha. She had made such a fuss they’d never come close to being more than friendly after that.
Lexi drove down the hill and parked round the back of the cottages. ‘We can walk to the café from here,’ she said. ‘If we hurry, they won’t see us and will think we’re inside by the time they find their way back here.’
‘Good plan,’ Claire said, unclicking her seat belt and getting out of the car. ‘Come along, hurry up.’
‘You go down and I’ll follow on,’ Lexi said. ‘I just want to check the heating’s on for when Megan gets back up here.’
Bella watched the other four hurry down the hill and stayed back with Lexi. She waited for her outside the cottage, hands pushed deep into her pockets. When Lexi didn’t come out, she went to find her. ‘Come on, what are you doing in there?’
‘I found this,’ she said, holding an opened envelope in one hand, and what looked very much like a wedding invitation in the other.
Bella’s heart rate soared. ‘What is it?’ she asked, almost wishing she hadn’t.
‘I know what it looks like, but it’s actually an invitation to a Halloween party at the Sea Breeze.’
‘But that’s tonight.’
Lexi shrugged. ‘I know. A bit late by way of notice. I wonder whether you’ve got one?’
‘I doubt it.’ Bella suddenly wasn’t sure. It would be just like Nicki to want her to witness her wedding proposition to Jack.
‘Will you go, if you do have one?’
Would she? Bella gave it a little thought. ‘Yes. I would want to be there for Jack, in case she’s up to mischief.’
‘Good point,’ Lexi said. ‘Me, too.’
They left the house and hurried down the hill. The drizzle that now accompanied the fog lowered her mood even further. ‘Shall I quickly pop home and see if I do have an invitation?’
‘Yes, I’ll come with you.’

* * *
Five minutes later they arrived at the café to find Jack and Megan sitting at a table with steaming drinks and plates of chocolate cake in front of them.
‘Where have you two been?’ Sacha asked. ‘These two have been telling me all about your escapades this morning. It sounds great fun.’
‘It was,’ Bella said, assuming her mum and Rosie must have gone to visit Betty. She handed Jack the envelope she’d found lying on her doorstep. ‘This is yours.’
‘Ah, I wasn’t sure whether to say anything, or not,’ Sacha said. ‘Nicki delivered one of those here for me this morning, too. She’s invited me and Alessandro.’
‘To what?’ Jack asked, staring at the small white envelope as if it was about to burst into fire. He looked over at Bella and then back at the envelope. ‘Maybe you were right to be concerned, Bella,’ he said quietly.
‘There’s also one for you, Megan,’ Lexi said. ‘It was on my doorstep.’
Megan beamed at her. ‘Wow, this looks fun,’ she said, taking her invitation out and reading it. ‘It looks like we’re all invited to Nicki’s surprise Halloween party. I wonder if the party is the surprise, or if it’s something else?’
‘I dread to think,’ Sacha said, motioning for Bella and Lexi to sit down under skeleton bunting she’d strung from one corner of the café to the other. ‘Your usual? Or you could try some of my strawberry fizz and Death by Chocolate cake?’
Spotting the large succulent cake on a stand on the counter, Bella nodded. She wasn’t sure if she could stomach even a crumb of her favourite cake; not with the thought of what Nicki had planned for Jack that evening crashing around in her head. She could see by the looks on the other people’s faces and the giggles from a group of children inspecting individual small buckets filled with sweets, that Sacha had gone to a lot of trouble to make the party fun. Bella didn’t want to dampen the atmosphere by not joining in.
‘I’ll skip the cake, but I must try some of that,’ Lexi said, pointing to two jugs of red bubbly drink.
‘Are we all going to go?’ Megan asked, moving the skull candle as she beamed at Bella, excited as a small child at a birthday party.
There was a brief silence until Jack said, ‘Yes, I think we should.’
‘I thought you were supposed to be keeping your head down,’ Bella said. Then, remembering that they had only just returned from giving the paparazzi something to write about, added, ‘Though I think we’ve already ensured your cover was blown this afternoon.’
‘So, there’s no reason for me to miss the party?’
Bella had to agree that there wasn’t. ‘Do you have something to wear?’ Did she? she wondered, trying to picture everything in her meagre wardrobe.
‘Yes. I brought a few new dresses with me. I might not have lived in this celeb world for long, but I know to take clothes in case the stuff stylists bring is horrible.’
‘Don’t the stylists put you in clothes from designers they’re supposed to be promoting?’
‘Mostly, maybe. Either way, I like having something of my own, just in case.’
It made sense to Bella. She wasn’t sure she wanted to go to the party and didn’t like to leave her mum alone at the cottage while she went out with the rest of them. Happy to have an excuse to miss it, Bella tried to sound disappointed as she said, ‘I might have to do something with Mum tonight.’
‘No, you’re not getting out of it that easily,’ Jack said. ‘I heard Claire and Aunt Rosie talking earlier, when they were walking with me to the cottage, about going out for a few drinks and a catch up tonight. Aunt Rosie was saying how it’s been years since they’ve had time for a proper chat.’
She liked to think of her mother settling back in with her old friends. Claire and Rosie had apparently been very close until her mum had fallen pregnant with Bella and gone on her travels soon after she was born.
They ate their cake and chatted a little more. Bella listened to the others’ excitement about the evening building. Only Jack seemed a little subdued. She caught him looking at her and gave him what she hoped was a reassuring smile. It wasn’t her fight, but he was her friend and she was going to be there to support him should he need her to and if Nicki was going to try and trap Jack into marrying her, then she wanted to be there to witness his reaction, not hear about it third-hand.
‘Right,’ Sacha said, collecting the empty plates and cups. ‘You lot get going and give me a chance to sort things out here and figure out what I’m going to wear.’
Bella helped collect the plates and followed her into the kitchen. ‘Do you really think Nicki is going to try and corner him?’
‘Who knows?’ Sacha said, as they stacked the large dishwasher. ‘I wouldn’t put anything past her.’
That was what worried Bella, too. She had been hoping Sacha could dispel some of her concerns about the evening, as she knew Nicki much better than Bella did. Never mind, she thought. She would simply have to see how things went.
‘Right, I’ll leave you to it. I need to try and find something suitable for tonight in my wardrobe.’ She raised her eyebrows. ‘It’s not going to be easy.’
‘Megan and I are going back to the cottages to get ready,’ Lexi said, as they walked back into the café. ‘Shall we all meet here and walk to the hotel together?’
‘Good idea,’ Bella said. ‘Here, seven thirty.’ She looked at her mother, chatting quietly to Rosie. ‘Have a fun evening, you two. I’ll catch up with you later, Mum.’
She walked back to the cottage with Jack. He barely spoke on the way and Bella wasn’t sure what she could say to help him.
‘You alright?’ she asked quietly as she pulled off her gloves and tucked them into her coat pocket.
‘Yes, fine. You don’t have to worry about me.’
She smiled at him. ‘That’s good,’ she said, only slightly comforted.

* * *
At the agreed time, they all met up at the café and walked to the nearby hotel together. Bella was relieved the party was only around the corner. She stopped by the door and leaned on a chair to adjust her shoe.
‘Uncomfortable?’ Sacha asked.
‘Just not used to wearing heels.’ Bella grimaced. ‘I thought I should make an effort to at least look like I’m used to attending parties.’ She didn’t add that she didn’t want to appear unsophisticated against Nicki’s, no doubt, sleek appearance.
Jack held open the reception door to the hotel while they filed in.
‘You’re here for the party, I presume?’ asked a smiling, handsome man in a dark grey suit.
She could hear laughter and voices coming from a nearby room. ‘Yes, we are.’ She read his badge and saw that he was the assistant manager and that his name was Charlie. She wondered why she hadn’t seen him before and must have stared rather longer than she intended, because when she looked at his face she saw he was smiling directly at her.
‘You’re all local to the village?’
‘Everyone except me,’ Megan said, fluttering her false eyelashes at him.
Bella waited for his reaction, but supposed that he didn’t watch much television, when he nodded. ‘Welcome, then. I hope this fog isn’t causing you too much of a problem.’
‘It was,’ Megan giggled. ‘But these people have been entertaining me and I have to admit that I’ve been having far more fun than I ever imagined.’
‘That’s great news.’ He stepped back and indicated the double doors to the side. ‘If you’d like to pass me your coats, I’ll hang them up in the cloakroom. The party’s through there.’
They handed him their coats and scarves and Sacha and Bella led the way, opening the doors slowly to reveal circular tables decorated with high glass vases filled with copper foliage and orange flowers. The tablecloths were pale purple, and for someone who didn’t live on the island, Nicki had managed to fill the room with guests.
‘Where did she find all these people?’ Bella asked, scanning the faces to see if she knew any of them. She didn’t seem to.
‘No idea,’ said Sacha.
Jack joined them, standing between the girls, an arm around each of their shoulders. ‘She never did do things by halves,’ he murmured. ‘I recognise some of them from her firm’s Christmas party last year.’ He stared at one man for a few seconds. ‘That’s her new bloke.’
‘Where?’ Bella asked, intrigued. Had she read the situation wrong? It seemed so, she thought with relief.
‘The smart guy over there, talking to her.’
Bella studied the man. She was sure she’d seen him somewhere before. ‘Do I know him?’
‘Isn’t he off the telly?’ Sacha asked. ‘I don’t think he’s an actor though. Good looking enough to be one.’
Megan pushed in between Bella and Jack. ‘What have I missed?’
Sacha pointed discreetly to the couple. They didn’t seem very loving. He seemed determined not to make eye contact with Nicki as she leaned in close to him, talking.
‘Bloody hell, he’s hot!’ Megan pushed forward, then reaching back, grabbed Bella’s hand. ‘Come along. You’re supposed to be entertaining me, so introduce me to him.’
Bella snatched her hand back. ‘I don’t know who he is. You’ll have to introduce yourself if you’re determined to speak to him.’
‘Fine,’ she said. ‘Watch me.’
As Megan strode across the room, head held high, medically enhanced boobs thrust out, Bella heard several male invitees vocalise their appreciation. She could see by the look on the younger girl’s face that she was enjoying every second of their undivided attention.
‘Wouldn’t you just love to have that girl’s confidence?’ Sacha whispered to Bella.
‘Ten per cent of it would do me.’
‘True. Look at her go. You’ve got to be impressed.’
Bella was. ‘Do you know, having spoken to her a bit since she got here, I’ve come to the conclusion that a lot of what she projects is a front. I think she’s determined to be a celebrity, but doesn’t have that much confidence underneath.’
Jack laughed. ‘You could have fooled me.’
Alessandro arrived, and Sacha went to greet him. They returned to the others, arms around each other’s waists, and Bella couldn’t help thinking what a gorgeous couple they made.
‘Look at Megan,’ she said, and they turned to watch as Nicki spotted Megan’s approach with a fixed smile on her face.
‘Oh hell, I think there’s going to be trouble,’ Sacha said. ‘Maybe it’s time we found our table and sat down.’
‘Good idea,’ Jack agreed, crossing the room to study the table plan on a large white easel by the doorway. He indicated a table at the back of the room, by the entrance to the kitchen, and the girls followed him to find their seats.
‘We’re well out of harm’s way here,’ Bella said, relieved.
Sacha pulled a face. ‘With Nicki in the room, I can’t see that anywhere is really safe from her.’
‘I’ll get us some drinks,’ Jack said, without waiting for them to argue.
Bella watched him walk over to the bar. ‘He seems fairly sure that this event has nothing to do with him, doesn’t he?’
Sacha nodded. ‘Let’s hope so. Although, to be honest, you can’t force Jack to do anything he doesn’t want to do.’
Good, thought Bella. She had assumed as much, but it was reassuring to hear Sacha confirm it, especially as Jack seemed to go running whenever Nicki called him. Alessandro went to join Jack at the bar.
‘I wonder what your mum and my Aunt Rosie are chatting about tonight?’ Sacha asked, looking amused. ‘I don’t know if I trust either of them to behave.’
Bella giggled. ‘Me neither. They were going out for a few drinks together for a proper catch up.’
‘Actually, never mind what they’re chatting about,’ Sacha said, only momentarily taking her eyes off Nicki. She shook her head and smiled at Bella. ‘More like, who are they chatting up?’
‘It doesn’t bear thinking about.’ Bella realised who the man standing with Nicki was. ‘That’s the economist, Oliver Whimsy,’ she said, quietly. ‘I was reading about him in a magazine at the dentist’s last month. He’s very good looking, don’t you think?’
Sacha nodded. ‘He is. You’re right, too. Wow, how the hell did Nicki snap him up, he’s gorgeous.’
Bella agreed, but resisted telling her friend that she didn’t mind how handsome the man was, as long as he was going to keep Nicki from fighting to get Jack back.
‘Who’s that bloke Nicki’s with?’ Lexi asked, joining them at the table.
‘Where’ve you been?’ Bella asked, noticing the smile on Lexi’s face.
‘Never you mind.’
‘Tease,’ Bella smiled.
The band, which Bella hadn’t noticed before, struck up a tune, and everyone began to find their tables and take their seats. Megan stopped to beam at a couple of male guests on her way back to their table. Alessandro and Jack hurried back, carrying their drinks.
‘Oh heck,’ Sacha groaned. ‘Nicki’s getting up on the stage.’
They had all sat down by the time she raised her hands and gave a little bow to the band.
‘Thank you,’ she said, turning back to face her captive audience. ‘Welcome, dear friends, and thank you for coming to my surprise Halloween party.’ She gave her guests a brilliant white smile and held her hands out. ‘I’ve asked you here today for a celebration, but won’t reveal the occasion until after you’ve eaten and enjoyed yourselves.’
‘But we want to know now,’ shouted a man Bella had seen being a little noisy at the bar when they arrived. ‘Tell us, tell us, tell us,’ he chanted, waving for the others to join in.
Bella and Jack exchanged unimpressed glances, as one or two of the guests half-heartedly joined in with the chants.
She had expected Nicki to be furious by the man’s interruption of her speech, but instead she seemed to be considering doing as he asked, making Bella suspect that maybe the entire scene had been set up.
Nicki motioned for Oliver Whimsy to join her. ‘Oliver,’ she said, her voice low and enticing.
He looked, Bella thought, slightly uncomfortable but did as Nicki asked. She took his hand and before anyone could say anything, got down on one knee in front of him. A collective gasp filled the room. ‘Oliver, will you marry me?’
‘Bloody hell!’ bellowed one of the suited men seated at the table Oliver had just vacated. ‘She’s proposing.’
Bella’s relief that Nicki wasn’t about to ask Jack to marry her after all was soon dispelled when she saw the look of horror on the poor man’s face, as he stood, statue-like, in front of her.
‘Poor bastard,’ Megan said. ‘He looks as if he’s hoping his world will implode.’
He did, Bella thought, sensing his agony. Nicki, still on one knee in front of him, clasped his left hand in hers. Bella couldn’t imagine what he could possibly do next. ‘This is horrible,’ she said under her breath to Jack.
‘You’re not kidding.’
A cheer came from the table closest to Nicki. ‘Well, answer her, you berk.’
It was like being a spectator sensing that a crash was about to happen. Bella wanted to look away, but couldn’t.
Oliver pulled Nicki to her feet and tried to lead her away from the stage, but Bella’s relief that the spectacle was about to end was short lived.
‘No, Oliver darling,’ Nicki said, giving a fake giggle. ‘You need to give me a reply. Our audience is waiting.’
‘This is horrible,’ Bella murmured. ‘Why would she do something like this?’
Oliver Whimsy let go of her wrist and prised her hand from his. ‘Enough,’ he said, loud enough for them to hear. ‘I don’t know why you’ve arranged this charade, Nicki.’ He scowled at her. ‘But as far as I’m concerned, we haven’t known each other long enough to even contemplate getting married. I’m not sure it’s something I ever intend doing.’
The guests stared silently at them, waiting to see what happened next. Bella wished she could leave but daren’t draw attention to herself by moving. She noticed someone discreetly filming the entire event and couldn’t imagine why they would want to record someone’s humiliation in this way.
‘Come on, Oliver,’ Nicki said. ‘Why not be brave and go for it. I have a registrar waiting to make this legal.’
‘Sorry, what?’ He glanced briefly towards the gawping guests and back at Nicki. ‘This is insane. You do realise that, surely?’
Nicki reached up and placed her hand on his cheek. ‘No, it isn’t, baby. It’s fun. All you have to do is say yes.’ She smiled at her captive audience. ‘Doesn’t he, everyone?’
‘She’s trying to embarrass him into agreeing,’ Jack said quietly. ‘Poor sod.’
Oliver stared at Nicki, as if he was seeing her for the first time. ‘No.’
And without saying another word, he pushed her hand away and marched out of the room.
Nicki stood for a second with her mouth open at her intended fiancé’s reaction.
‘Poor, silly, cow,’ Megan said. ‘She’s got balls, I’ll give her that.’
‘She’s arrogant and controlling, is what she is,’ Sacha argued. ‘That woman is always determined to get what she wants. Unfortunately for that poor guy, she wanted him.’
‘He didn’t look that nice, anyway,’ Lexi said. ‘I wonder where he went?’
The band struck up, once again, and Nicki, her face like a smiling mask, called them all onto the dance floor.
‘What about the food?’ Bella heard one man asking.
Bella glanced around her table, desperate to go home. ‘Shall we leave?’ she said. ‘I don’t think I can stomach any more of Nicki’s ridiculous behaviour.’
Without another word, Bella, Sacha, Lexi, Megan and Jack stood up and quietly made to leave the ballroom.
‘You’re not staying for the meal?’ Nicki said, reaching the door before them and standing in front of Jack. She seemed amused, rather than embarrassed by what had happened, and Bella had to wonder at her mental state.
‘You didn’t really invite us for a meal though, did you?’ Jack stared at her. ‘I knew you enjoyed a masquerade but this evening was a farce. Did that poor bloke even suspect you were up to something?’ When she didn’t react, he shook his head. ‘I thought not.’
‘Just be grateful it wasn’t you she’d set her sights on,’ Sacha said, taking his arm and leading him out.
Bella was grateful, and wondered whether this meant that Nicki and Jack were completely over. She hoped so, but knowing their history, she couldn’t be sure that they wouldn’t get together, yet again. Had Nicki chosen Jersey as the place to propose to Oliver simply to make Jack jealous? She wouldn’t put it past her.
They congregated in the reception area. ‘Where’s that cute guy that took our coats?’ Megan asked. ‘I hope Nicki didn’t scare him off, too.’ The joke broke the tension in the air and they all laughed. ‘That has to be the worst party I’ve ever been invited to,’ she added.
‘I’ll go and find him,’ Bella said, hoping they could collect their coats and leave the hotel as soon as possible. She walked through another door and down a hallway, listening out for voices. Hearing a male voice she thought might belong to Charlie, she followed the sound and reached a small ante room to find him having a cup of tea. ‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you.’
Blushing, he placed his cup on the small table next to him. ‘No, I apologise for not being at reception. It’s been a bit of a chaotic night, with one thing and the other.’
Bella sighed. ‘I know Halloween is supposed to be a strange evening, but this one beats anything I’ve experienced before.’
‘Me too,’ he laughed, leading the way back to the others. ‘Sorry for keeping you all waiting. I’ll fetch your coats now.’
They watched him disappear into the cloakroom and waited as he kept returning until all the coats had been collected and put on.
‘Thanks,’ Jack said. ‘I hope the rest of your evening isn’t as odd.’
‘So do I.’
They walked back to the boardwalk in a muted silence, which Jack eventually broke by saying, ‘To make up for tonight, I think we should definitely have that bonfire on the beach some of us have been talking about.’
‘Yes, good idea,’ Sacha said. She looked at Megan, ‘Will you still be here for it?’
‘One part of me hopes not, because I need to get back to work,’ said Megan. ‘But the other half doesn’t want to leave now I’ve got to know you lot better. You’ve shown me more fun than I’ve experienced in ages.’
Bella couldn’t help thinking that if Megan had been a little more pleasant during their photo shoot then she would have had a much better time. She hoped that Megan’s time on the island would soften her a bit and give her the confidence to believe she could survive the weird world of celebrity that she desperately wanted to remain a part of.
‘We’ll see you tomorrow,’ Lexi said, giving Bella and Sacha a kiss on the cheek. ‘Megan and I are going back to the cottages.’
‘I’ll accompany you both,’ Jack said, pushing his hands into his coat pockets.
‘We’re fine, thanks,’ Lexi said, smiling at him. ‘I don’t think the bogey man will find us between here and home.’
‘Shut up, you,’ Megan argued, nudging Lexi. ‘If Jack wants to walk us home, then I, for one, am happy to let him do it.’
Bella stood with the others, watching as they began their short trek up the hill. Feeling raindrops on her face, she held out her hand to make sure. ‘Quick, it’s starting to rain,’ she said, linking arms with Sacha. ‘The wind has picked up.’
‘Good,’ she said. ‘Maybe the fog will lift by the morning and Megan’s team will be able to fly in for the interview and take the photos they need.’
‘Time we all went home, I think.’
Lying in bed a short while later, Bella closed her eyes and listened to the wind howling around the headland on the other side of the boardwalk. Her last thought was that Jack hadn’t yet returned home. She knew she shouldn’t, but couldn’t help imagining him finally succumbing to Megan’s advances.