Copyright © 2015 by Megan Miranda

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First published in the United States of America in February 2015
by Bloomsbury Children’s Books
Electronic edition published in January 2015

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Miranda, Megan.
Soulprint / by Megan Miranda.
pages    cm
Summary: Alina has spent her seventeen years imprisoned for the crimes of her past self, as shown by soul fingerprinting when she was a newborn, but when a group of people with questionable motives help her escape, she discovers she may not be as innocent as she believes and must wonder if she is fated to repeat her past.
[1. Prisoners—Fiction. 2. Guilt—Fiction. 3. Soul—Fiction. 4. Fugitives from justice—Fiction. 5. Conduct of life—Fiction. 6. Reincarnation—Fiction. 7. Science fiction.] I. Title.
PZ7.M67352Sou 2015     [Fic]—dc23     2014009921

eISBN: 978-0-8027-3805-9

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