Running into Marek’s sister was something I knew was bound to happen. Before we even left school, he told me she was going to be here, so it was inevitable. What I didn’t expect was for her to look like a damn Victoria’s Secret model wrapped up in a very tiny jailbait package. Baby sister. Those were the words that left his mouth. I took that seriously and stupidly assumed she would be some dorky annoying twelve-year-old kid. Maybe some glasses, pigtails, braces, the whole works. That was the picture I created in my mind, not a fucking goddess who I have to hold myself back from. Talk about the ultimate test of will. When she said her older brother was inside it should have registered with me who she was, but it didn’t even cross my mind.
How could I be so dumb?
Hushed voices grab my attention as I start to come around the side of the house. I was supposed to be meeting up with my friend in the backyard, but based on the tone of the conversation, I’m coming up on, he got held up.
“You really should have said something to your mom or to me before you brought a friend with you.”
There’s a pause and I strain to hear Marek’s words. “Sorry I didn’t really think it would be that big of a deal, you guys never had problems with us bringing friends on family trips in the past. Do you want me to have Anders go home?”
I know I shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but if I’m getting kicked out, I’d rather not be blindsided by that. When he invited me to come to the beach for the weekend, I never would have thought he didn’t run it by his parents first. Not that I know what it’s like to go on family vacations or have friends to bring along with me.
His dad releases a long sigh and I hold my breath on what he’s going to say. I’m definitely getting kicked out, I can feel it. “It’s fine…just…say something in the future. Okay?”
“You’ve got it Dad.”
Nothing. I strain to hear anything more from their conversation and when it continues to be silent, I finally make my way around the corner. Marek’s back is turned toward me, and I say, “Hey, I waited back there but you never showed up.”
What I didn’t expect was for him to shriek like a little girl and jump around. “Holy shit dude, don’t sneak up on me like that.”
A laugh falls from my lips and the stab in the side of my gut is ignored as my hysterics ramp up even higher. I didn’t even know a sound like that could come from him.
While I’m still unable to control myself he asks me, “Did you see my sister while you were back there?”
That sobers me up and my laughing stops. I don’t say anything not trusting the words that would come out of my mouth. Instead I nod my head.
He must see something in my face because he adds, “I know I don’t have to say it because I trust you, but I’m going to say it anyway. Don’t even think about going there dude. She’s underage and she’s my sister. Don’t forget that.”
This time I do say something. “Chill man. What’s with the big brother act? I wouldn’t do that to you, and you should know that.”
“Good.” Marek nods and shuffles around a little bit before staring me down and adding, “I knew I didn’t have to say anything, but just wanted to say it for my own peace of mind.”
I don’t even get it. We didn’t have any issues on the two-hour drive over here. In fact the entire time he kept talking about finding some hotties to hook up with. Between our obligations for our fraternity and school work, neither one of us has much time for anything else including women. That doesn’t make a huge difference to me, but to Marek it seems to be wearing on him.
“Is there something else going on right now? Your kind of acting like a dick.”
“Sorry, I’m taking shit out on you and I shouldn’t be. My parents are acting fucking weird. Something’s up, but they won’t tell me what’s going on. Things are just different, you know?”
I can’t exactly tell him that no, I don’t in fact know. But now isn’t really the time for me to lay any of my shit on him. Instead I give him a slight nod and add, “Sure.”
“Ugh, whatever. Let’s go get some food and then maybe we can go find some chicks to hang out with. Sound like a plan?”
The first part of that sounds great to me, but the second not so much. I’m starting to wonder why I even came with Marek in the first place but hooking up with random girls definitely wasn’t it. I nod again and he leads the way inside.

“It was nice meeting you Anders…Giselle, Marek, don’t stay up too late. I know it’s summer break, but you should catch up on the sleep while you’re young and you can.”
Marek watches as his dad gets up from the table and he follows him out of the room. With my best friend’s focus elsewhere, I turn my attention back to his sister sitting across from me. Completely unaware of the fact that I’m watching her, she reaches from the open bottle in the middle of the table. I don’t know yet what kind of relationship Marek and she have, but something tells me he wouldn’t be okay with her pouring the wine into her glass. Giselle’s eyes keep darting to her brother as she brings both underneath the table and quickly fills it up. She has ninja skills as she finishes and replaces the bottle before he turns back.
Wine has never been my drink of choice and judging by the scowl on her lips as the first drop hits her tongue, it’s not hers either. My eyes don’t leave hers even as she catches me watching. She doesn’t look shocked, instead she smirks up at me as she takes another drink of the wine. If it weren’t for her age and the fact the she’s Marek’s sister I might consider getting to know her better. But because of those facts alone, I won’t go near her.
We continue our staring contest, neither one of us breaking focus until Marek comes back in the room and says, “You can’t be serious right now. Do you want to get yourself in trouble?”
The glass kisses her lips as she pours another heavy swallow into her mouth. She grins as big as she can, almost menacingly so, and finally places the drink onto the table. “Come on Marek. You and I both know you were doing way worse things when you were my age. It’s just a glass of wine. Besides you’re sitting right there at the table with me. How much trouble can I really get in?”
He opens his mouth and I know he’s going to say something to make her stop but without thinking about it I open my own and say, “Yeah, dude what’s the big deal? It’s not like any of us are leaving and your parents are already in bed for the night.”
I’ve never been a fan of wine but as a solidarity move, I swipe the bottle from the table and pour my own glass. The pungent fruit smell overwhelms my nostrils as I bring the drink to my lips and take a sip. It tastes even worse than I remember it. I plaster a fake smile on my face holding back my cringe and add, “We might as well finish off the bottle, so it doesn’t go bad. Pouring even a drop down the drain, that’s pretty much alcohol abuse.”
I can see the wheels turning as he contemplates my words but eventually, he breaks down and pours his own glass. Marek doesn’t even hide the look of disgust as it crosses his face with the first sip. Putting the wine back down he turns to Giselle and says, “You’re not drinking more than one glass.”
She shrugs taking another drink of her nasty fermented grape juice and asks, “Any chance I can convince you to drive me to the mall tomorrow?”
“Why would I do that? Get your own ride there.”
“I wasn’t exactly allowed to bring my car with me and there’s no way Mom and Dad would let me borrow their car. Please Marek.”
I don’t know what compels me to speak up again, but I do. With one huge swallow, I down the contents of my own glass and say, “You know, I don’t have much with me. I could use at least a pair of board-shorts.”
It’s true I don’t have anything to wear to the beach, but I also don’t have the money to spend on clothing right now. But for some reason I feel the need to come to Giselle’s rescue. Instead of really thinking about that and questioning it, I smile up at my glaring best friend.
Marek follows my lead and polishes off his own glass before turning the death glare on both of us. “Fine, we’ll go to the mall tomorrow. But we’re going early and making it quick. I’m not spending a perfectly good summer day hanging out there. I have better things I can do.”
He doesn’t wait for either one of us to say anything and instead gets up from the table and leaves the room. I have no idea why I even put my foot in my mouth, but now I’m seriously double thinking that. Another situation like that and Marek will kick me to the curb and then where will I be?