Humans have performed rituals since the dawn of civilization. Those ritual actions created grounding points that enabled divine energy to enter the physical realm. This is exactly what ritual magick offers to us today.
Rituals are moments when we acknowledge this life is a vehicle we are using to break the chains that bind us to fate. They are actions we carry out in order to marry the energies of the heavens to the energy of the earth. In essence, rituals are the way we gradually lift ourselves out of an unsatisfactory, distracted, and purely materialistic way of interacting with life, and instead walk with one foot in each world. It’s through ritual that we each become our own priest and sovereign. In magick we use rituals to unite that which is above with that which is below to achieve completion of the Great Work, that is, crystallizing all of the levels and layers of the aura so that they survive the death of the physical body.
Defeating death probably sounds like a lot more than you bargained for when you picked up this book, but even the most basic ritual teaches us that we are never truly powerless. With repetition, a ritual allows us to exert more and more control over the reality we are creating until even a prison cell can begin to feel like a control tower from which you can reach out, touch the world, and bring about change. Ritual not only allows us to wield divine energy to change the world, but also to create our own world and dwell within it.
When I first started having success with magickal rituals, I still doubted myself and was tempted to chalk it up to coincidence. However, as the years went by and I experienced more and more results, I eventually not only lost any doubts I had but became more surprised if it didn’t work than if it did.
In my previous books I have written about magick as the Western path to enlightenment. I am convinced that all of the modern Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—are actually vehicles used to pass along the same coded information. The whole point of the story of Jesus was to make this ancient magickal information more available so that anyone could become a king. He was bringing an end to the “divine right” of kings to rule, giving everyone keys to obtaining sovereignty over their own existence. This is why magick is called the “royal science.” It is the means by which a slave can become a monarch.
In magick, when we say, “God created the world,” it means something different than when religions use that phrase. In magick, think of the word “God” as shorthand for that infinite consciousness that lies outside the boundaries of time and space. It is eternal, without borders, qualities, or characteristics. In order to experience any sort of change, it must pour itself into the boundaries of material existence. God didn’t just create the world, it became the world. It became us. This is why the Bible says that God gave humans dominion over the earth—because we were meant to continue the process of creation, to pick up where Source left off and continue attempting to create heaven on earth. This is the meaning behind the part of the Lord’s Prayer that says, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”
Trust me, I’m well aware that the Abrahamic traditions may have left a bad taste in the mouths of those who have experienced their more oppressive aspects. They may have left you with no desire to work with any system that reminds you of them. I myself once felt that way. But this system predates all of those religions. In fact, those religions pretty much hijacked the system entirely from the ancient Sumerians and just put a new spin on it—same as when they built cathedrals and churches on top of ancient pagan holy sites. None of that really matters when it comes to the rituals in this book. You won’t find a lot of arcane terminology or lengthy ceremonies here. What you will find are simple practices to develop your own connection to the energy and intelligence of the universe, whether you are on the path to becoming a full-fledged mage or are completely new to working with subtle energy.
Wherever you are on your journey, welcome.