In ancient cultures trees were synonymous with longevity since they regularly live for hundreds of years. Considered especially potent were evergreen trees because they never lose their leaves. This made them symbolic of immortality, since they don’t appear to die in winter months the way other trees seem to do.
By repetitively sharing energy with them, ancient Taoist energy workers attempted to share in the longevity the trees experience. You do this much the same way you send and receive energy with a person.
Find a healthy adult tree that appears to be full of life and vitality, and place the palms of both hands upon it.
Close your eyes and turn inward, focusing on the golden orb of light in the center of the chest.
As you inhale, see it glow even brighter gold from the energy you are taking in from the world around you.
Hold your breath for a moment as you see the golden energy center glow brilliantly. As you exhale, golden light travels down your arms, out of your hands, and into the trunk of the tree.
See the light extend down your arms and into the tree as if it were tentacles connecting your energy center to the green chi within the tree. Envision the tree as full of brilliant, green light. This is the natural energy created by the tree.
As you begin to slowly inhale, pull the brilliant green light from the tree, up both arms, and into the energy center in your chest.
As you exhale, the energy moves from your chest, back down your arms, and returns to the tree. Do this at least ten times.
Inhale and pull energy from the tree into the orb in your chest. Exhale and see the energy flow back down your arms and into the tree.
To end the exercise, inhale one final time, and pull energy from the tree into the golden, glowing center in your chest. Hold your breath to the count of four. As you exhale, see the light in the center of your chest radiate out and saturate every cell in your body, as well as fill your entire aura, with brilliant, rejuvenating golden energy.