Statistically, more people believe in angels than believe in God. That belief is what puts so much energy into angel magick and makes it so effective. Mankind’s belief in angels is as old as its most ancient gods, dating back to the earth’s very first cities. But as those gods were forgotten and succumbed to time, the belief in angels flourished and transformed.
An angel is essentially just subtle energy that has taken on the particular definitions that we have imposed upon it. We tend to look at angels as being benevolent protectors who act on behalf of our highest good. We have deeply ingrained programming in our psyche that angels will not do anything that would harm us or others. We tend to believe they will act in our best interest and provide us with protection. And since that’s what we expect, for the most part that’s what we get. Angels are the very substance from which what we think of as reality is formed, and that substance is both malleable and intelligent.
Those who have come to my classes, talks, and retreats in the past have heard me speak about the very first time I ever perceived an angel, and how unsettling it was. I was still on death row and had decided that I was going to do the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram three times a day for thirty days. This is a detailed ritual that calls upon the four major archangels. You’re essentially in the center of four giant archangels that protect you from all sides.
It was after doing this for several days when I suddenly began to perceive something I could not quite articulate. When I say that I “saw” something, I don’t mean with my physical eyes. Instead, I’m referring to suddenly becoming aware that I was using more than the senses I had grown accustomed to using in the material world. In hindsight, I realize this is another side effect of doing rituals involving energy work—it greatly increases your psychic intuition. By psychic, I don’t mean the sort of thing you see on a bad TV show. When I use the word psychic, what I’m referring to is your ability to perceive and detect subtle energy.
When you begin to be aware of it, it changes the way you interact with the universe around you, because you suddenly know to the deepest level of your being that the material world is not all that there is to reality.
On page 237 you’ll find a chart that corresponds each of the four major archangels to their counterparts in the physical world, things like the elements, the directions, and colors. In magick, certain colors, names, scents, herbs, stones, etc., all correspond to various angels. By incorporating those correspondences into our energy work, we incorporate the qualities of the angels associated with them into the work as well.
Novice magicians memorize these correspondences, as they are the ingredients for creating any ritual. Working with angels in this way is like doing calisthenics for our energy system and has all sorts of side effects, like being more relaxed, calm, and peaceful. Your relationships with others and the world as a whole will become more harmonious. And you’ll deal with the drama and conflict you come into contact with in a much more skillful way. For now, try this simple ritual any time you need divine assistance.
It doesn’t matter if you sit or stand, and you can call on the angels anywhere—on a train, in an elevator, at the office.
Invoking the Archangels in this way and knowing you are surrounded by their wisdom and protection is a wonderful, quick way to engage with them at any time of day, in any circumstance.