As you might surmise, the Vacuum can help in many ways. Not only can it clean out your energy field, it can clean rooms, modes of travel—the ways are endless. In the previous rituals we’ve been working with our own energy body in order to release harmful or unwanted energy from our auras. In this exercise, we’re going to press on to the next level, changing external energy, such as the energy in a room or an item.
We leave small, and sometimes not-so-small, traces of our energy everywhere we go. Since that energy has been cycled through our system, it contains traces of our thoughts and emotions. This energy drifts off of us much like dead skin cells do as we move from room to room through a house, and the same is true of everyone else’s energy.
For example, let’s say you enter a room where a disagreement has just occurred. The unmistakable energy of anger lingers. You can very quickly envision a tube connecting the room to the center of the earth, pulling all of the bad energy out of the room and releasing it into the earth where it is recycled into pure, green, beneficial energy. As you withdraw the tube, close up the place where it was connected, and visualize a huge gold light high above. From that Source, gold light is brought into the room. Now it’s safe to enter!
Here are more detailed instructions for clearing a room with the Vacuum:
Begin by closing your eyes and envisioning the room enclosed in a sphere of white light. This represents the energetic counterpart of the room’s physical presence. Picture it in your mind for a moment, and then begin visualizing it opening at the bottom and forming a cord or channel that extends down deep into the earth’s core. At the center of the earth, this cord connects to the giant green sphere of energy that represents the chi of the earth. This is what we sometimes refer to as “Mother Nature.”
You are now envisioning the room in a bubble of light, with a cord that connects to a giant green sphere of light at the center of the earth. Once you get really proficient at this you may even feel a kind of “pop,” as if the pressure in the room has changed. It is an incredibly subtle sensation that you may not detect at first, but practice will make it more apparent.
Begin visualizing the same sort of energetic vacuum that you performed on your own aura. Try to “feel” the earth exerting a gentle suction that pulls all the polluted or unwanted energy out of the room. Visualize it as gray or black smoke that fills the room and is gradually sucked down through the energetic cord and into the clean, vibrant energy of the earth where it is recycled. Make certain you get ALL of it. See it pulled from every corner, crack, and crevice, down into the earth.
Once the room is clear in your mind’s eye, you can either envision the cord being drawn back up and the room’s aura closing as you did your own, or you can leave it connected so that it continues to work—so that any unwanted or harmful energy that comes into the room will continue to be drained away. If you want this to happen continually, so that negative energy doesn’t build back up, you’ll have to reinforce the visualization for at least a few minutes every day.
It also helps if you lay your hands on a wall of the room while doing this practice. Having physical contact with something or someone reinforces any magick being done on it, because we are utilizing every level of reality by incorporating the material plane into the practice.