Certain stones and crystals have an amazing ability to hold energy. Black tourmaline, obsidian, and quartz crystal are good examples. With the assistance of the cleansing power of water or sunlight, such stones can be powerful aids to purification rituals. Try this as an alternative to the methods based on the vacuuming technique.
Hold the stone in your hands in front of your chest. Imagine a white light at the top of the universe. As you inhale, bring that light into your heart center, and as you exhale, send that light, along with all the impurities in your energy body, down your arms and into the stone.
To purify the stone, hold it under the faucet, letting the water run “through” it and down the drain to be purified.
Another way to clear the stone is to leave it in bright sunlight for a few hours.
Note: See pages 236–239 for gemstone correspondences.