How did something so obvious, so rational, manage to elude my consciousness for so long? That change takes time.
Changing the way you think takes time. Believe me, I’ve been working on it for years; and while I see results, it really did astonish me to realize that my thinking had come from years and years of hardwired, unrestrained resentment, anger, jealousy, rage . . . and that it takes time to transform.
If you were to go back to your childhood home and see the way the people lived, look at what was around you then, what you did, with whom you surrounded yourself, and then think of where you are now—what would you observe?
Life is in continuous movement. Where you are today is so far from where you were as a child, and if you continue to be mindful of reaching your “destiny” (which in itself is in constant change) your experiences will continue to unfold into an endless stream of new manifestation.
The tricky part about looking back is to stay conscious of the Now, to stay in the present as you look back.
But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.
Genesis 19:26
The Bible is full of directives for thinking. She looked back, and her life came to a standstill. No one can live in the past with its disappointments, heartbreak, pain, or even the miraculous moments—for it does not exist!
The future doesn’t exist, either. All we have is the moment; but moment by moment can be filled with excitement, filled with the light of peace and joy, and that kind of thinking will bring peace and joy into the future. We don’t know it yet, just as the child in your old hometown didn’t know all of the experiences that were to come.
It sounds complicated, but it’s really the simplest idea: find things that make you happy in every moment. Train your mind to stay in the present, and when you do use your mind, use it for telling the story of the life you want. Write it down as a new story, the story you want to experience. Fill your life with moments of light, and find things to feel good about, no matter your current circumstances.
Moment by moment lived in light. What else could possibly be more important?