Bolts of Light

This section of the book is Damien’s area of expertise, but there is a very specific ritual for directing energy that I sometimes do several times a day. As with so many of our rituals, I breathe in enormous amounts of golden light, turning my entire being into a ball of light resembling the sun. I then take that concentrated energy and imagine it flowing out to people close to me who are in need of help or healing.

The energy I send is programmed with love, joy, healing, protection, strength, prosperity, creativity, inspiration, healing, and wisdom. Everything is divinely orchestrated. It’s clear that none of this comes from me, but through me from God.

A few of the people to which I have sent gold light have been in dire situations. Some of them have played huge parts in my and Damien’s lives, but have become distant, or at times cut off. We never take these lapses personally, knowing when any of us are in pain, we tend to go inward or seek cover.

Several of these people have since reached out to me. Some have asked for help, and I’ve prayed for guidance as to how to best assist or direct them. The right path has always been clear or has wondrously appeared. Some have provided support to Damien and me, and others have had epiphanies or huge changes occur that have propelled them to a new understanding or situation that brings them peace or joy.

As happens often, the results of this ritual have been under my radar. Knowing that magick ALWAYS works, I’m also practicing releasing expectations, so I don’t always realize when a prayer works. It’s exhilarating when we realize just how amazingly it does.

When Damien was on death row, I’d have kind-hearted people tell me they’d put us on their prayer lists. I’m certain there were many more I didn’t hear from who also did so. I believe all of those prayers helped in the huge amount of energy that was needed to facilitate his release, and now, more than ever, I’m grateful to all of those who prayed for us.

My “prayer list” is growing, as it’s one of the most satisfying rituals of my spiritual practice. It is God working through me, and while I know the inspiration for change isn’t coming from me, knowing that I can direct the energy to those in need brings much joy, in many ways.

You can also do this practice at the moment you notice someone in need. We can all have bad days. I do this tiny ritual when someone I come across seems to be having a hard time of it:

A note: In some traditions, to heal someone or to send energy without their consent is considered disrespectful. I grew up praying for people whether they knew about it or not. Our church had prayer lists. There would be folks from all over the world on the list, and we prayed for everyone on the planet. I’m following in this tradition of sending energy to others, but if you feel uncomfortable helping anyone without their consent, the energy can be programmed to go only where it is wanted and needed.