
1The Old Gods

2Witch Ethics

3Witch Festivals

4Witch Signs and Symbols

5The Magic Circle

6Witch Tools

7Methods of Witch Divination

8Witches’ Attire

9The Witches’ Alphabets

10The Working Site

11Witchcraft and Sex Magic

Liber Umbrarum—A Book of Shadows

Casting the Circle; The Rite of Self-Initiation; The Rite of Consecration; The Full Moon Esbat Rite; The Sabbat Rite; Initiation into the Coven; The Coven Spell; The Seven-Pointed Star; The Runes of Andred; The Spell of the Cord; Invocation of the Moon Goddess; Invocation of the Horned God; Chants and Dances

