
‘Girls, this is it. This is our time. It’s time to win back that title for the Academy,’ I said energetically, bouncing lightly on my toes. I could see Bec, Ava and Melissa nodding enthusiastically, feeding off my energy. This is what I did best. ‘We’ve all swum our guts out today – some of us seven or eight races – it’s been a huge day. And this is our final swim. It’s time to dig deep. Find the energy that’s left in the tank and use everything you’ve got.’

‘Yeah!’ Melissa yelled, pumping the air with her fist.

I looked to my left and saw the National Swim School relay team gathered in a huddle around Annabel. She was clearly giving them the same pep talk I was. They clapped their hands and slapped each other on the back.

‘Mel, start us off strong, girl. You know you can do this,’ I said, holding Melissa’s shoulders and looking her straight in the eye. Melissa nodded and smiled. She was our backstroke swimmer and the first leg of the race.

With a bright smile, she lowered herself into the water and squatted her body up against the wall, ready to launch into her backstroke leg.

‘Take your marks …’


‘Come on, Mel!’ I yelled.

The backstroke swimmers were covered in a whitewash of frenzied splashing. Melissa propelled herself through the water, her arms rotating like a windmill as she pulled her body along. She was in second place.

‘Come on, Melissa!’ Ava shrieked in my ear.

The crowd was on its feet – everyone gathered into their swimming clubs, cheering with all their might. I could hear the chant from the Academy girls. But over the top of it I could hear the pulse of the National Swim School girls.

Swim School! Swim School!

As Melissa neared the end of her lap, Bec stood tall, following her strokes, readying herself for the breaststroke leg. Right on cue, Bec launched herself into the water. As she broke the surface, she began bobbing up and down at great pace.

Bec was usually our weaker swimmer in the relay, but today she was on fire. She caught up to the Swim School breaststroker and, after a good turn, ended up slightly in front. Ava screamed in delight. Ava was our strongest swimmer, and if Bec could maintain the lead, Ava could certainly cement it.

As Bec finished her lap, Ava stretched out her long, muscly body in a soaring dive. Her shoulders pummelled through the water, her body thundering along at a rapid pace. She was a picture of power and beauty when she swam.

Ava approached the wall for her turn, and I began to psych myself up for my lap.

‘Come on!’ a voice screeched from the lane beside me. I glanced up and saw Annabel screaming at her teammate to pick up the pace. I shook my head and tried to ignore her. I had to focus on my race.

As Ava turned, I noticed her timing was off. This was very unusual for Ava – she was our flawless swimmer. To see her do an awkward tumble turn rattled me a bit. She pushed off the wall and the Swim School butterfly swimmer took the lead.

‘Yes!’ Annabel screeched.

Ava thundered towards me, I crouched down, ready to swim my lap. We were in second place and I had to bring this home. Ava reached for the wall and I burst from the blocks like a bullet from a gun. My mind focused in on the lane in front of me, completely blocking out Annabel and the crowd from my consciousness. The sound from the crowd around me faded away until all I could hear was my own breath and my arms slicing through the water.

I felt like I was gliding through air – the water around me was light and smooth. As I approached the wall for my turn, I reached out my arm and twisted my body. My two feet planted onto the wall and I burst off, using all my strength.

My body undulated in the water; I felt like a creature of the sea. I was Delphin, mythological creature, completely at one with my watery world.

I turned on the pace for my final few metres. I knew this was my last chance to give it everything I had. I dug deep within myself to find any last scraps of energy I had. I channelled that energy into my legs and arms. This was it.

I thumped the wall with my hands and dipped my head down towards the water. I had given it my all. I could hear the crowd screaming and cheering, but I couldn’t look up.

Suddenly, a hand reached down into the water. It was Melissa, beaming brightly. She was pointing at the scoreboard.

1. The Royal Academy of Sport for Girls

2. The National Swim School

I rubbed my eyes to make sure they were free from water and looked again. Melissa, Ava and Bec were squealing with delight. I pulled myself out of the pool and embraced my teammates.

We all cheered. ‘We did it! ‘We did it!’

Coach Stuart ran over and high-fived us all. ‘You did it!’ he yelled.

We jumped up and down in a huddle, screaming with joy.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see a face smiling at me. At first I thought it was Ashley, but then I realised this face had no dimple and was rounder in shape. It was Annabel.

‘Great swim,’ she said, extending her hand in a handshake.

In speechless awe, I took her hand. ‘Great swim,’ I echoed back.

I peered up to the gallery and saw another face, smiling and yelling. It was Ashley, waving at me. I waved back and smiled. She held up a ‘number one’ finger. I nodded happily and held up a ‘number one’ finger too.

We had done it.