Dear Benjamin Boyd and Martina Velez,

I am writing because I have a confession about the black dress that you liked so much. I didn’t sew it. Someone else did. Her name was Anna and she was an amazing seamstress. You would have loved her (only she was WAY too old to be on Create You). Anna was teaching me to sew, but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t sew like she did. So I made a big mistake and I sent the dress that Anna sewed as part of my application.

Anna died a few days ago, before I got up the courage to tell her what I did. Now I can’t tell her I’m sorry for pretending that I sewed her dress. It’s too late. So I’m telling you instead. I got your letter, and you don’t need to send a camera crew to interview me because I don’t deserve to be on Create You. But I have one big favor to ask. Would you mind mailing the black dress back to me? I’d really like to see it again.

I also wanted to send you something that I did sew all by myself. I promise. It’s just letters on a shirt and not good enough to get me on Create You, but I hope you like it. I think Anna would be proud of it even if some of the stitches are crooked. She really hated crooked stitches.


Cove Bernstein

P.S. Sorry if the shirt smells like straw. I didn’t have time to wash it. Long story.