Python Pandas - Date Functionality
Extending the Time series, Date functionalities play major role in financial data analysis. While working with Date data, we will frequently come across the following −
Create a Range of Dates:
Using the date.range()  function by specifying the periods and the frequency, we can create the date series. By default, the frequency of range is Days.
import pandas as pd
print pd. date_range( '1/1/2011' , periods= 5 )
Its output is as follows −
DatetimeIndex(['2011-01-01', '2011-01-02', '2011-01-03', '2011-01-04', '2011-01-05'],
   dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='D')
Change the Date Frequency:
import pandas as pd
print pd. date_range( '1/1/2011' , periods= 5 , freq= 'M' )